My Summer Car
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  1. aspe20
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod no longer works.
  2. britishgaming2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant close the filler cap now
  3. terrier2603
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    basically required if you are going to use the gifu lmfao
  4. snboxy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    way better than just constantly manually fuelling gifu
  5. Chanse1629
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    not work
  6. anlknablolhncbvxfgrsgdc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    worked for a while then stopped anyone can help ?
  7. uselessmoron
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If you could fix this mod that would be much appreciated or upload the source to github so I can play with it :P
    1. ELS122
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Here you go:

      using MSCLoader;
      using UnityEngine;
      using System.Linq;
      using HutongGames.PlayMaker;
      using HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions;
      using RaycastCore;

      namespace AutoFuel
       public class FuelingTrigger : MonoBehaviour
       public PistolAutoFuelController pistolController;
       public PlayMakerFSM fuelingFsm;
       public FsmFloat fuelLevel;
       public FsmString fuelType;
       public FsmString fluidType;
       public FsmString name;
       public FsmGameObject fluidTrigger;
       public FsmGameObject vehicleGUI;
       public FsmGameObject vehicleTank;
       public FsmBool pouring;
       public FsmFloat maxCapacity;

       public FsmFloat tankFuelLevel;
       public FsmFloat tankFluidSpecific;

       public FsmFloat fluidTriggerFluidLevel;
       public float fillSpeed;
       public SphereCollider collider;
       public Transform pouringSound;
       public Transform disabledAudioParent;
       public Transform enabledAudioParent;
       public PlayMakerFSM screwFsm;

       public bool filling;
       public bool wasFilling;

       public PlayMakerFSM fluidTriggerFsm;
       public FsmGameObject pump;
       public PlayMakerFSM tankFsm;
       public FsmString fuelType2;

       public FsmBool pour;
       public Vector3 nozzlePlace;
       public Vector3 nozzleRotation;

       public void Start()
      fuelingFsm = GetComponent();
      fuelLevel = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("FuelLevel");
      fuelType = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmString("FuelType");
      fuelType2 = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmString("FuelType2");
      fluidType = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmString("FluidType");
      name = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmString("Name");
      fluidTrigger = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("FluidTrigger");
      vehicleGUI = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("VehicleGUI");
      vehicleTank = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("VehicleTank");
      pouring = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmBool("Pouring");
      maxCapacity = fuelingFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("MaxCapacity");
      tankFsm = vehicleTank.Value.GetComponent();
      tankFuelLevel = tankFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("FuelLevel");
      fuelingFsm.enabled = false;
      collider = transform.GetComponent();
      pouringSound = (fuelingFsm.FsmStates.FirstOrDefault((FsmState state) => state.Name == "Jerry can").Actions[1] as SetParent).gameObject.GameObject.Value.transform;
      enabledAudioParent = (fuelingFsm.FsmStates.FirstOrDefault((FsmState state) => state.Name == "Jerry can").Actions[1] as SetParent).parent.Value.transform;
      disabledAudioParent = (fuelingFsm.FsmStates.FirstOrDefault((FsmState state) => state.Name == "State 4").Actions[0] as SetParent).parent.Value.transform;
      screwFsm = transform.parent.GetComponent();
       public void Update()
      if (tankFuelLevel.Value >= (maxCapacity.Value - ((pistolController != null && pistolController.autoMode) ? 0.4f : 0)) || !(pouring == null || pouring.Value))
       filling = false;

      if (filling)
       if(!wasFilling && pour != null)
       pour.Value = true;
       wasFilling = true;

       tankFuelLevel.Value += fillSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
       if (fluidTriggerFluidLevel != null)
       fluidTriggerFluidLevel.Value -= fillSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
       if (tankFluidSpecific != null)
       tankFluidSpecific.Value += fillSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
       fuelLevel.Value = tankFuelLevel.Value;

       if (cInput.GetButtonDown("Use") && pistolController?.autoMode == false)
      else if (wasFilling)
       wasFilling = false;

       if (pour != null)
       pour.Value = false;

       if(pump != null)
       MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAndForget("Store", pump.Value.transform, false, 1f, null, 0f, "fueling_3");
       pouringSound.parent = disabledAudioParent;
       pouringSound.localPosition =;
       pouringSound.localEulerAngles =;
       public void SetupAutoMode()
      pistolController.Setup(transform.parent.parent, nozzlePlace, nozzleRotation,, (LayerMask)0);

      collider.radius = 0.1f;

      if (screwFsm != null)
       screwFsm.enabled = false;
       public void ResetAutoMode()
      collider.radius = 0.03f;
      if (screwFsm != null)
       screwFsm.enabled = true;

       public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
      if (col.tag == "Trigger")
       fluidTrigger.Value = col.gameObject;
       fluidTriggerFsm = fluidTrigger.Value.GetComponent();

       fluidType.Value = "Fluid" + fluidTriggerFsm?.FsmVariables.FindFsmString("FluidType")?.Value;
       name.Value =;
       if (fluidType.Value == fuelType.Value || (fuelType2 != null && fluidType.Value == fuelType2.Value))
       switch (name.Value)
      case "FluidTrigger":
       // sounds
       pouring = fluidTriggerFsm.FsmVariables.GetFsmBool("Pouring");
       pump = null;
       fluidTriggerFluidLevel = fluidTriggerFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Fluid");
       fillSpeed = 0.7f;
       tankFluidSpecific = tankFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat(fluidType.Value);
       filling = true;
       pouringSound.parent = enabledAudioParent;
       pouringSound.localPosition =;
       pouringSound.localEulerAngles =;
      case "FuelNozzle":

       // sounds
       pistolController = fluidTrigger.Value.GetComponent();
       pistolController.currentTrigger = this;
       pour = fluidTriggerFsm.FsmVariables.GetFsmBool("Pour");
       pouring = null;
       pump = fluidTriggerFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("Pump");
       fluidTriggerFluidLevel = fluidTriggerFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Fluid");
       fillSpeed = 0.85f;
       tankFluidSpecific = tankFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat(fluidType.Value);
       filling = true;
       if(pistolController?.autoMode == false)


       public void OnDisable()
      wasFilling = false;
      filling = false;

      if (pour != null)
       pour.Value = false;
      if (pump != null)
       MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAndForget("Store", pump.Value.transform, false, 1f, null, 0f, "fueling_3");
      pouringSound.parent = disabledAudioParent;
      pouringSound.localPosition =;
      pouringSound.localEulerAngles =;


       public void OnTriggerExit()
      filling = false;
       public class PistolAutoFuelController : MonoBehaviour
       public PistolHandTriggerController handTrigger;
       public Transform ogParent;
       public GameObject hand;
       public float distanceThreshold = 0.8f;
       public FsmBool guiUse = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmBool("GUIuse");
       public FsmString guiText = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmString("GUIinteraction");
       public FsmBool handLeft = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmBool("PlayerHandLeft");
       public GameObject nozzleObject;
       public bool autoMode;
       public CapsuleCollider collider;
       public FuelingTrigger currentTrigger;
       public void Start()
      nozzleObject = transform.parent.gameObject;
      collider = transform.GetComponent();
      handTrigger.continueAutoMode += SetupNozzle;
       public void Setup(Transform newParent, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale, LayerMask layer)
      this.newParent = newParent;
      this.position = position;
      this.rotation = rotation;
      this.scale = scale;
      this.layer = layer;

       public Transform newParent;
       public Vector3 position;
       public Vector3 rotation;
       public Vector3 scale;
       public LayerMask layer;
       public void SetupNozzle()
      collider.radius = 0.25f;
      gameObject.layer = layer;
      autoMode = true;
      nozzleObject.transform.parent = newParent;
      nozzleObject.layer = layer;
      nozzleObject.transform.localScale = scale;
      nozzleObject.transform.localEulerAngles = rotation;
      nozzleObject.transform.localPosition = position;
       public void Reset()
      collider.radius = 0.08f;
      gameObject.layer = (LayerMask)16;
      autoMode = false;
      nozzleObject.transform.parent = ogParent;
      nozzleObject.layer = (LayerMask)20;
      nozzleObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f);
      nozzleObject.transform.localEulerAngles =;
      nozzleObject.transform.localPosition =;


      if(currentTrigger != null)
       public void OnRaycastEnter(RaycastHit hit) => PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold);
       public void OnRaycastStay(RaycastHit hit)
      if (PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold) && autoMode)
       if (!handLeft.Value)
       guiUse.Value = true;
       guiText.Value = "PICK NOZZLE";
       if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
       didSetActive = true;
       public bool didSetActive;
       public void OnRaycastExit(RaycastHit hit)
      if(PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold))
       guiUse.Value = false;
       guiText.Value = "";
       didSetActive = false;

       public class PistolHandTriggerController : MonoBehaviour
       public PistolAutoFuelController autoFuelController;
       public PlayMakerFSM useFsm;
       public FsmBool guiUse = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmBool("GUIuse");
       public FsmString guiText = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmString("GUIinteraction");
       public FsmBool handLeft = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.GetFsmBool("PlayerHandLeft");
       public delegate void ContinueAutoMode();
       public event ContinueAutoMode continueAutoMode;

       public GameObject cops;
       public void Start()
      useFsm = GetComponent();
      fuelingAnim = GameObject.Find("PLAYER/Pivot/AnimPivot/Camera/FPSCamera/FPSCamera/Fuel").transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent();
      cost = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Cost");
      distanceFromPump = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Distance");
      fuel = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Fuel");
      fuelPrice = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("FuelPrice");
      cops = (useFsm.FsmStates.FirstOrDefault((FsmState state) => state.Name == "Check lock").Actions[0] as IsActive).gameObject.Value;
      storeOpen = GameObject.Find("STORE").GetComponents()[1].FsmVariables.FindFsmBool("OpenStore");
      switchLock = GameObject.Find("STORE").transform.GetChild(6).GetChild(25).GetChild(2).GetChild(1).GetComponent().FsmVariables.FindFsmBool("SwitchOn");
      fuelPurchaseCost = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("CashRegister").Value.GetComponent().FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("FuelPurchase");
      pistolOnPump = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("Pistol");
      pistolInHand = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("PistolInHand");
      hand = useFsm.FsmVariables.FindFsmGameObject("FuelHand");
      literText = transform.parent.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent();
      priceText = transform.parent.GetChild(1).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

      useFsm.enabled = false;
       public FsmBool storeOpen;
       public FsmBool switchLock;
       public float distanceThreshold = 1f;
       public FsmGameObject pistolOnPump;
       public FsmGameObject pistolInHand;
       public FsmGameObject hand;

       public FsmFloat fuel;
       public FsmFloat fuelPrice;
       public FsmFloat cost;
       public float previousPrice;
       public FsmFloat fuelPurchaseCost;

       public TextMesh literText;
       public TextMesh priceText;
       public Animation fuelingAnim;
       public bool calculateFuel;
       public FsmFloat gasStatistic;
       public float previousLiters;
       public FsmFloat distanceFromPump;
       public float maxDistance = 3f;
       public void Update()
      if (calculateFuel)
       cost.Value = fuel.Value * fuelPrice.Value;
       literText.text = $"{(fuel.Value * 10f):0000}";
       priceText.text = $"{cost.Value:0000}";

       if(cost.Value > previousPrice)
       fuelPurchaseCost.Value += (cost.Value - previousPrice);
       previousPrice = cost.Value;

       if(gasStatistic != null && fuel.Value > previousLiters)
       gasStatistic.Value += (fuel.Value - previousLiters);
       previousLiters = fuel.Value;

       distanceFromPump.Value = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, pistolInHand.Value.transform.position);
       if(distanceFromPump.Value >= maxDistance)

      if (!animationPlayed && !fuelingAnim.IsPlaying("fueling_pistol_drop"))
       animationPlayed = true;
       if (!intoAutoMode)
       intoAutoMode = false;

       public bool animationPlayed;
       public bool intoAutoMode;
       public void FinishDroppingNozzle()
      MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAtTransformAndForget("Store", transform, 1f, null, 0f, "fueling_nozzle");

      calculateFuel = false;
      handLeft.Value = false;
       public void FinishAutoMode()
      handLeft.Value = false;
       public void EnterAutoMode()
      intoAutoMode = true;
      fuelingAnim.Play("fueling_pistol_drop", AnimationPlayMode.Stop);

      animationPlayed = false;
       public void ExitAutoMode()
      handLeft.Value = true;
       public void PickNozzle()
      handLeft.Value = true;
       public void DropNozzle()
      if (autoFuelController.autoMode)
       fuelingAnim.Play("fueling_pistol_drop", AnimationPlayMode.Stop);
       animationPlayed = false;
       public void OnRaycastEnter(RaycastHit hit) => PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold);
       public void OnRaycastStay(RaycastHit hit)
      if (PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold))
       if (calculateFuel)

      guiUse.Value = true;
      guiText.Value = "DROP NOZZLE";
      if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
       guiUse.Value = false;
       guiText.Value = "";
      if (!handLeft.Value)
       guiUse.Value = true;
       guiText.Value = "PICK NOZZLE";
       if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
       if ((storeOpen.Value || !switchLock.Value) && !cops.activeSelf)
      MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAtTransformAndForget("Store", transform, 1f, null, 0f, "fueling_nozzle");
      guiUse.Value = false;
      guiText.Value = "";

      calculateFuel = true;
      MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAtTransformAndForget("Store", transform, 0.4f, null, 0f, "door_locked");
       public void OnRaycastExit(RaycastHit hit)
      if (PlayerRaycast.Instance.IsInRange(hit, distanceThreshold))
       guiUse.Value = false;
       guiText.Value = "";
      public class AutoFuel : Mod
        public override string ID => "AutoFuel";
        public override string Name => "AutoFuel";
        public override string Author => "ELS";
        public override string Version => "1.1";

        public override bool UseAssetsFolder => false;

       public FuelingTrigger AddFuelTrigger(Transform fuelFiller)
      FuelingTrigger ft = fuelFiller?.GetChild(fuelFiller.childCount - 1).GetChild(1)?.gameObject?.AddComponent();
      if (ft != null)
      switch (
       case "CapTrigger_FuelSatsuma":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(-0.012f, 0.1f, 0.019f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelHayosiko":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(-0.09f, 0.1f, 0.01f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(70f, 180f, 0);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelGifu":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(-0.13f, -0.05f, -0.05f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(30f, 270f, 180f);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelRuscko":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(0.11f, 0f, -0.05f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(0f, 300f, 270f);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelKekmet":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(-0.09f, -0.03f, -0.05f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(30f, 270f, 180f);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelCombine":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(0.07f, -0.028f, -0.01f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(0f, 270f, 180f);
       case "CapTrigger_FuelFerndale":
      ft.nozzlePlace = new Vector3(-0.13f, 0.02f, 0f);
      ft.nozzleRotation = new Vector3(90f, 90f, 0);
      return ft;
       public PistolAutoFuelController AddAutoFuelController(GameObject fuelingTrigger, GameObject pumpTrigger, Transform hand, FsmFloat statistic = null)
       PlayMakerFSM pumpTriggerFsm = pumpTrigger.GetComponent();
       (pumpTriggerFsm.FsmStates[3].Actions[11] as GetDistance).target = fuelingTrigger.transform.parent.gameObject;
       PistolAutoFuelController autoFuelController = fuelingTrigger.AddComponent();
       autoFuelController.hand = hand.gameObject;
       autoFuelController.ogParent = fuelingTrigger.transform.parent.parent;
       PistolHandTriggerController handTrigger = pumpTrigger.AddComponent();
       handTrigger.gasStatistic = statistic;
       handTrigger.autoFuelController = autoFuelController;
       autoFuelController.handTrigger = handTrigger;
       return autoFuelController;
       return null;

        public override void SecondPassOnLoad()
      Transform hand = GameObject.Find("PLAYER/Pivot/AnimPivot/Camera/FPSCamera/FPSCamera/Fuel").transform.GetChild(0);
      Transform nozzles = hand.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(5);
      FsmVariables statistics = GameObject.Find("System")?.transform.GetChild(12)?.GetComponent().FsmVariables;

      AddAutoFuelController(nozzles.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject, GameObject.Find("Trigger98"), hand, statistics?.FindFsmFloat("PumpGas"));
      AddAutoFuelController(nozzles.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).gameObject, GameObject.Find("TriggerD"), hand, statistics?.FindFsmFloat("PumpDiesel"));
      AddAutoFuelController(nozzles.GetChild(2).GetChild(0).gameObject, GameObject.Find("TriggerPĂ–"), hand);

      Transform[] fuelFillers = (from x in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll() where"FuelFiller") select x)?.ToList()?.ToArray();
      foreach (Transform fuelFiller in fuelFillers)
       public override bool SecondPass => true;

    2. uselessmoron
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh wow, thank you.
      It is too hard for you to fix?  I'm sort of getting my head around how it works but it's all those getchild's that are quite confusing amongst, well, all of it haha.
    3. ELS122
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      It is impossible for me to fix it because I never experience the problems with the mod that get reported.
      I'm almost starting to think the modloader is sabotaging some of my mods for other players but that's just narcissistic
      nope it doesn't seem like it
    4. uselessmoron
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      MSCLoader ERROR: Mod AutoFuel throw an error!
      Details: Transform child out of bounds in AutoFuel.FuelingTrigger AddFuelTrigger(UnityEngine.Transform)
      UnityEngine.UnityException: Transform child out of bounds
        at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:GetChild (int)
        at AutoFuel.AutoFuel.AddFuelTrigger (UnityEngine.Transform fuelFiller) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
        at AutoFuel.AutoFuel.SecondPassOnLoad () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
        at MSCLoader.ModLoader+<LoadModsAsync>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

      Does that not help at all?  Its aas though its trying to find a non-existant child.  I poked around the hierachy and to my zero experience eye is looks like the line
      switchLock = GameObject.Find("STORE").transform.GetChild(6).GetChild(25).GetChild(2).GetChild(1).GetComponent().FsmVariables.FindFsmBool("SwitchOn");

      could be an issue.  I couldn't find the SwitchOn thing anywhere.  I'm really wanting to help out I'm just not very good at this lol.
    5. ELS122
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Well I looked into it, and I don't know why this stuff runs for me.
      That object indeed isn't there, the object it should reference is switch_pumps instead

      I guess I just have the mojo version of the modloader, the one that makes it work anyway :D
    6. uselessmoron
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It works!  Nice work man, thank you, much appreciated.  Its onwards for me to fiddle with the next broken mod :P
    7. Jackthedragonkiller
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Holy crap did y'all manage to fix it? If so, that's amazing!
  8. niclasd5
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    Only at Teimo's shop Bluetooth Fuelpumps
  9. Ersanovo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Useful mod but it doesn''t work because when I load into the game it says in the console something like a raycast object being out of bounds, but I dont remember it completely. Please fix this.
  10. timbo6
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Mod seems cool, but doesn't work anymore :'(