- Refine results Found 56 results. 5468 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including both the player and NPCs. Diplomacy creates more believable world behaviors while giving the player the agency to shape their world.
- 1.3MB
- 20.3k
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A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including both the player and NPCs. Diplomacy creates more believable world behaviors while giving the player the agency to shape their world.
The #1 stop for all your custom armor needs!Combines existing popular armor mods.Adds 1,600+ new custom armors!Adds 83 new shields and 148 weapons!Compatible with 1.1.0 and later versions.Largest custom armor pack so far!
- 427.8MB
- 14.3k
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The #1 stop for all your custom armor needs!Combines existing popular armor mods.Adds 1,600+ new custom armors!Adds 83 new shields and 148 weapons!Compatible with 1.1.0 and later versions.Largest custom armor pack so far!
CA - Eagle Rising - Dawn of an Empire
A Calradic Antiquity modUnder active development.Glory to the Empire!
- 8.0GB
- 10.0k
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CA - Eagle Rising - Dawn of an Empire
A Calradic Antiquity modUnder active development.Glory to the Empire!
Renders icons over settlement nameplates to indicate an available quest, available tournament, or possibly available noble troops.
- 521KB
- 9.5k
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Renders icons over settlement nameplates to indicate an available quest, available tournament, or possibly available noble troops.
Total conversion mod for Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, which will change Calradia into Westeros and Essos from the HBO series, Game of Thrones. Hundreds of characters added, along with over twenty kingdoms from the Free Folk, north of the wall, to the Dothraki of the Great Grass Sea.
- 7.8GB
- 7.4k
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Total conversion mod for Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, which will change Calradia into Westeros and Essos from the HBO series, Game of Thrones. Hundreds of characters added, along with over twenty kingdoms from the Free Folk, north of the wall, to the Dothraki of the Great Grass Sea.
Lets you turn your companions into noble vassals of your kingdom, giving them their own clan and fiefs.
- 6KB
- 1.8k
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Lets you turn your companions into noble vassals of your kingdom, giving them their own clan and fiefs.
Spouse more and more, children more and more
Bannerlord Traduction Francaise - French Translation --e1.5.7.0
FrenchTranslation est un mod qui fournit des balises personnalisées permettant une meilleurs expérience de traduction ainsi que la possibilité de modifier le nom des factions.
- 1.1MB
- 1.6k
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Bannerlord Traduction Francaise - French Translation --e1.5.7.0
FrenchTranslation est un mod qui fournit des balises personnalisées permettant une meilleurs expérience de traduction ainsi que la possibilité de modifier le nom des factions.
Custom Map Speeds (Slow Looters)
Formerly named Slow Looters: Modify unit speed on the campaign map: Looters, Bandits, Villagers, Caravans & the Main Party available.
- 6KB
- 1.6k
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Custom Map Speeds (Slow Looters)
Formerly named Slow Looters: Modify unit speed on the campaign map: Looters, Bandits, Villagers, Caravans & the Main Party available.
Adds the option to keep a fief after capturing it.
By installing this mod, you will join to VARTS Trade Guild as their newest member. They are a network of merchants, workshop owners, caravan leaders, slave traders, even spies. Your new network will allow you to find a fellow agent in every town. They will provide precious information that you definitely need, free of charge as a membership perk.
- 380KB
- 964
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By installing this mod, you will join to VARTS Trade Guild as their newest member. They are a network of merchants, workshop owners, caravan leaders, slave traders, even spies. Your new network will allow you to find a fellow agent in every town. They will provide precious information that you definitely need, free of charge as a membership perk.
A small collection of mulitple presets from some of my characters.
Prevents clans from defecting from or leaving the player's kingdom, unless the leader's relationship with the player is low. Thresholds for leaving are based upon the clan leader's relationship with the player, and varies based upon the clan leader's Honor trait. All thresholds are configurable.
- 286KB
- 718
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Prevents clans from defecting from or leaving the player's kingdom, unless the leader's relationship with the player is low. Thresholds for leaving are based upon the clan leader's relationship with the player, and varies based upon the clan leader's Honor trait. All thresholds are configurable.
Realms Forgotten is set in the world Aeurth, a unique blend of culture styles and fantasy concepts and brings a campaign setting at the brink of dramatic events. Discord at the bottom of the page. ATTENTION: DO NOT USE VORTEX! INSTALL MANUALLY ONLY! USE ONLY BREEZIP TO EXTRACT FILES; ANY OTHER PROGRAM WILL CORRUPT EXTRACTION!
- 3.2GB
- 581
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Realms Forgotten is set in the world Aeurth, a unique blend of culture styles and fantasy concepts and brings a campaign setting at the brink of dramatic events. Discord at the bottom of the page. ATTENTION: DO NOT USE VORTEX! INSTALL MANUALLY ONLY! USE ONLY BREEZIP TO EXTRACT FILES; ANY OTHER PROGRAM WILL CORRUPT EXTRACTION!
Standalone mod adding banner icons. No BannerPaste nor BannerColorPersistence required.
- 4.7MB
- 566
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Standalone mod adding banner icons. No BannerPaste nor BannerColorPersistence required.
Culture Changer is a mod that allows you to change the culture of a Settlement that you own.
- 8KB
- 456
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Culture Changer is a mod that allows you to change the culture of a Settlement that you own.
同伴分封Vassal Promotion
Allows you to grant fiefs to your vassal clans and create new clans for your companions.
- 273KB
- 319
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Allows you to grant fiefs to your vassal clans and create new clans for your companions.
Diplomacy Fixes - Updated by 3ger (e1.5.7 Stable - e1.5.9 Beta)
This is obsolete! The original mod has been updated. (This was updated to e1.5.8 and e1.5.9 Beta by 3ger.)
- 71KB
- 316
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Diplomacy Fixes - Updated by 3ger (e1.5.7 Stable - e1.5.9 Beta)
This is obsolete! The original mod has been updated. (This was updated to e1.5.8 and e1.5.9 Beta by 3ger.)
Polybian - Imperial Overhaul (ATC compatible)
This an overhaul for the Empire.My goal is to translate in-game the roman army evolution from the Marian reforms (low tier units) to the Byzantine army (high tier).To simulate that, I redesign the units and made a new tree.
- 25KB
- 217
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Polybian - Imperial Overhaul (ATC compatible)
This an overhaul for the Empire.My goal is to translate in-game the roman army evolution from the Marian reforms (low tier units) to the Byzantine army (high tier).To simulate that, I redesign the units and made a new tree.