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ObiVV - ExpertShip64358

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About this mod

Custom armor pack based on Norman Armory, made with a focus on historical accuracy and improving asset quality.

Permissions and credits
Load order and installation instructions at the bottom


This is based on one of my favorite lightweight armor mods, Norman Armory.

I've retextured and resculpted assets from the original mod for a cleaner and slimmer look fitting the time period. Less 12-13th century fantasy, more period accurate 11th century. Think of the Bayeux Tapestry. I've based myself on archeological and iconographic depictions for the most part but some inaccuracies may be present. It is still a hundred times better than vanilla.

For the sake of variety I also worked on the 12th century assets like the spoleto mask and the crusader helmet, and I've also added some crusader habits (To be reworked at a later date). 

I made several variations of armors that allow for better character customization, and I've also added several custom cape designs with better cloth physics. No more stretchy capes.

Most torso armors i worked on have had their physics reworked as well. A lot of helmets have been reworked and they look entirely different from the original.  Some people were bothered by the inverted normals on the fluted helmets. I fixed them. It is better that you see for yourself in the pictures.

This mod will be a requirement for my 11th Century Vlandian troops overhaul.


The original Norman Armory is no longer required for this mod to work. This makes it compatible with any mod that changes holsters. None of the patches are needed anymore unless you continue to use the original.

I still recommend that you try it out. It remains compatible with this mod and it adds much needed variation for vlandian and imperial clothing and armor.

To use this with the original norman armory, follow these instructions.

Requirements and load order for vanilla version:

Norman Armory 
Norman Armory Reworked      <----- This mod

Requirements and load order for RBM version:

Norman Armory 
Norman Armory RBM Patch

Norman Armory Reworked        <----- This mod

Norman Armory (the original) makes holster position changes for shields. this makes it incompatible with anything that changes holsters. However, I've provided two patches for the two most popular mods that also change holsters. You shouldn't encounter a problem unless you have 3 or more mods that change holsters.

1. If you don't want to use Norman Armory's custom animations, delete everything in ModuleData except items.xmlshoulder_rested.xml, and project.mbproj.

2. If you don't want to use the custom holster positions, remove shoulder_rested.xml. This voids the RBM patch requirement for the original Norman Armory.



The mail coif models aren't mine. They were made by INKXO on sketchfab. 

Helmet chinstrap model by Zodiac.

All credits are in the credits section.