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About this mod

Adjust bandit party sizes, number of bandit parties, hideouts, and pretty much whatever else bandit related you want to adjust.

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  • Turkish
  • Russian
  • Mandarin
Adjust to which degree you want to be drowned in bandits, be it on the map or in hideouts. Also lets you take more troops into hideout battles. Affects all factions marked as "bandits"!

Caution: too many and too strong bandits can cause performance issues of both the game (e.g. slowdown) and the factions in it (e.g. caravans being eaten alive).

Inspiration - and some code - taken from the old "No Bandits No Cry" mod. Its implementation was a bit problematic, so I made a similar mod for personal use and to expand slightly on it, as I really enjoy harvesting large bands of looters. Decided to share it as others may like it as well.


Adds a custom "BanditsDensityModel" to the game, which should replace the default one.
Bandit party numbers are adjusted via a Harmony-Transpiler.

Should overall be very compatible.


- English
- German


GitHub: https://github.com/XT-0xFF/MBAdjustableBandits
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896450980