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File information

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Original upload

Created by

cyber jerusalem

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About this mod

This small pack includes 17 ambient and 37 battle tracks from Warhammer Total War. All of the original themes made for The Old Realms are intact.

Permissions and credits
(DISCLAIMER) I did that mod by myself, none of the TOR team were affiliated with it.

This small pack includes 17 ambient and 37 battle tracks from Warhammer Total War. All of the original themes made for The Old Realms are intact.

BACK UP YOUR soundtrack_steam.xml in TOR_Core/music folder.


ModDB version:
1) Drag and drop the files from the "ModDB Version" folder into your main Bannerlord folder.
2) Enjoy.

Steam version:
1) Drag and drop the files from the "Steam version" into your Steam\steamapps folder.
2) Enjoy.

Credits: Sega Corporation©, Creative Assembly©, Richard Beddow©, The Old Realms Team, Mlirka (for an inspiration provided with his Total War music pack)