About this mod
This mod allows you to change a settlement's and its recruits' culture to your own (also applies to the AI). How long it takes to convert and if the recruitable troops also convert is configurable.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Unpack the ChangeSettlementCulture.zip and place the ChangeSettlementCulture folder in the Modules folder of the game.
For Steam this would be: *\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules.
Or you could navigate to the game in your steam library, right click it, press properties, choose the installed files tab, click browse.
This mod is compatible with any other mod that does NOT change a settlement's or its Notables' Culture.
Save Game Compatibility
This mod can be added and removed from existing saves without issue.
In the mod folder (ChangeSettlementCulture) there is a settings.json file.
To edit the settings open it with your preffered text editor, (notepad is fine).
The setting ConvertRecruitableTroops decides whether or not to change the culture of recruitable troops. false or true.
The setting TimeToConvertInDays is the number of days after which a settlement's (if ConvertRecruitableTroops is true this will also change the recruitable troops) Culture will be changed. The timer starts ticking from the moment a new save game is created, the mod is first added to the game, or the settlement changed owner. The timer is unique for each settlement.
Enjoy the mod
If there is anything wrong please make a post on this modpage.
If you enjoyed the mod please consider endorsing it, thank you!