Hire Trade Agent in the town, so he/she would trade when you are away.
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Version 1.7.0
1.2.7 support
Version 1.6.0
Can negotiate lower fees
Version 1.5.0
Now you can set minimal amount to keep and max amount to buy for each ware
Storage fee changed to 1 gold for every 100 items per day
Version 1.4.0
Agent rents you a warehouse, takes some fee based on the stored wares there
Put or take wares from the warehouse for Agent to trade them, or just store your other stuff there
Version 1.3.0
Need good relations with notable to hire him as Trade Agent (different per notable type)
Dynamic relations with Trade Agent based on your history together
Different Trade Fee based on the notable type
Trade Agent limit based on your Clan Tier
Trade experience gain when dealing with Trade Agent
Version 1.2.0
Trade Agent sells wares based on the min sell price
Pause/unpause Agent activity
Ask the Agent to send you detailed trade reports
Get your gold back from the Trade Agent
Version 1.1.0
Set max buy price, trade agent will not buy the item if price > max buy price
Removed books from wares (from Education & BannerKings mods)
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
Hello fellow Traders! (TM Artem)
Introducing "Trade Agent" - where even when you venture off to slay dragons or conquer kingdoms, your business empire won't skip a beat! With this clever mod, you can hire a skilled trader to navigate the bustling markets of Calradia on your behalf. So whether you're off on heroic quests or simply enjoying a well-deserved tavern brawl, your profits will keep pouring in, making you the envy of every lord and lady in the land. Prepare to conquer the markets while you conquer the world in style!
Trade Agent trades the wares you tell him to trade. Adds his fee % on top of the price you would pay when buying/selling yourself
Trade Agent does care about the prices. Set max buy and min sell price for each ware
Set minimal amount to keep and max amount to buy for each ware
Ask Agent to send you detailed trade reports (or ask not to)
Pause the Agent temporarily
Get your gold back from the Trade Agent
Dynamic relations with Trade Agents, different trade fees, trade experience gain
Agent rents you a warehouse, takes 1 gold for every 100 items per day (Trade Warehouse in the Tavern menu)
Store or remove wares from the warehouse for Agent to trade them, or just keep your other stuff there. Bring cheap wares for your agent to sell when the price is high for example
Re-negotiate lower fees
Banner Kings compatible.
Writes data to the save file. Use it at your own risk.