About this mod
Soldiers and lords (or just bandits) throughout the world will take loot from battles they win, upgrading their own equipment and skills, each becoming Glorious unique troops.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Troops will take weapons, equipment, and mounts that are better quality than what they have. Troops with the most kills will get first crack at upgrades, progressing down through the ranks to whoever is left. Whenever a weapon is obtained their skill with it improves a bit too. Armour upgrades improve athletics skill. Lords (Heroes) will upgrade their equipment and skills but their names will remain unchanged.
There is an inspection UI (default key Z) which lets you review the equipment and total kills each Glorious Troop has.
Calling it out of beta! 200+ hours in dev now. Many bugs founds and squashed. Plays well with Bandit Militias.
This obviously creates more data, with thousands of unique troops running around. Expect a slightly larger savegame and slower save/load times (not too severe, several seconds).
Make a backup of your save. It's your responsibility. I don't want anyone losing progress.
You can uninstall the mod if you wish, but all the Glorious troops which are in battle must be destroyed. The rest will be replaced with their originals.
Use the hotkey combo CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-T. Then save, disable the mod and you're back to before
SOURCE https://github.com/gnivler/GloriousTroops
Big thanks to DasNeoxx - check out his mods https://www.nexusmods.com/users/86609143?tab=user+files
Thanks to MKLVN for insight and assistance.
Thanks to Alex002 and Maeggi for bug hunting and testing.
Thanks to BOT Mushin for naming idea.