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About this mod

Adds rain/snow, fog and dust storms which affect movement speed, ranged weapon accuracy, AI shooter error and morale

Permissions and credits
  • Turkish
  • Russian
  • Japanese
In the vanilla game there is no fog or dust storms. Although there is rain and snow, it does not have variable density and it does not affect morale.

This mod adds rain, snow and fog with variable density, and dust storms to both the campaign map and missions.

On the campaign map, rain and snow affect visibility, morale and movement speed. Fog affects visibility and morale. Dust storms affect visibility, morale and movement speed.

Fog banks only spawn in forest terrain. Dust storms only spawn in desert terrain. The chance of fog and dust storms spawning is 5% every hour and the fog density is random.

In missions, rain and snow affect ranged weapon accuracy, AI shooter error and morale. Fog affects AI shooter error and morale. Dust storms affect movement speed, ranged weapon accuracy, AI shooter error and morale.

In custom battles you can select the rain/snow and fog density from none, light, moderate, heavy and very heavy. You can select dust storms as a special option under the fog density dropdown.

If you are using Realistic Battle Mod, rain, snow and dust storms also increase the drain rate of posture.

Take note that this mod only improves upon the existing weather in the vanilla game, which was added in 1.2. It does not make weather events appear more frequently on the campaign map.

Includes a localization template and Chinese localization by default.

If you encounter a crash, always provide the crash report. It makes it much easier for me to troubleshoot it.

Make sure that you are using the correct versions of the mod and its requirements for your game build!

It is safe to install and uninstall on an existing save.

Sources are here.

Discord server for my mods is here.