Updated for 1.7.2 This mod allows you to adopt (almost) anyone into your family as either your new sibling or new son/daughter. It also allows you to rename family members.
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Version 3.0.2
Fixed issue with missing dialog due to 1.7.2 changes. Will look to clean this up more in the future
Version 3.0.1
This version was updated to work with 1.7.2 STABLE release
Version 2.2.0
Changed logic for electing new faction/clan leader to use the vanilla method. Also fixed issues with adopting heros that have a party (they will be added to your clans parties)
Version 2.1.4
Revert to older version because the adoption of heros with party fix was causing crashes
Version 2.1.3
Removed version requirements for BUTRLoader, to fix issue some users had with older Harmony versions
Version 2.1.2
Fix Issue with adopting heros that have a party. Now their party will be added to the player's clan. If you already have max parties this will give you max +1 parties until you disband one.
Version 2.1.1
Fix for issues with adopting prisoners. Previously they would be locked in the prison forever with issues. Now they will join the player party when adopted. (close party screen to refresh)
Version 2.1.0
Added buttons to Encyclopedia to adopt without talking to hero (Can use this button to adopt children, make sure you enable adopting children in settings). Also, should fix mod loader harmony issue
Version 2.0.1
Minor change to how "family" is calculated to determine if it should show the adoption option. Also added ability to rename spouse because it is recognized as family now
Version 2.0.0
This version added MCM configuration and Allows player to adopt any lord or notable, not just companions
Version 1.1.1 for 1.7.2 BETA
EDIT: This version has been rolled back because it caused issues! SORRY! Updated the optional version for 1.7.2 BETA to remove some unused module reference that may have caused some issues.
Version 1.1.0 for 1.7.2 BETA
Updated an optional version that works with Bannerlord version 1.7.2 BETA that includes the features of this mod 1.1.0 (adoption and renaming family)
Version 1.1.0
Added the ability to rename family members
Version 1.0.2
Hotfix for issue with not removing companion from companion list (and thus they would not show up in family on clan tab and could not be married to others)
Version 1.0.1
Hotfix for issue with added player as parent twice instead of player + spouse
Version 1.0.0
Initial version with basic features. Tested to work with 1.7.0 and 1.7.1
About: This mod adds a dialog option to companions (and lords/notables, pretty much anyone you can talk to) to allow you to adopt them as a sibling or child. It features configuration via MCM to choose options on who you want to be able to adopt.
I made this mod originally because I wanted to be able to marry my companions off to other clans in my faction to help them grow so once they are in your family you can do that. You can also make them your heir like any other child of yours, or just use it to expand your family or to Roleplay with characters you like.
This is my first mod so sorry if there are any issues. I will try to fix any issues you find ASAP.
Compatibility: The main file works on 1.7.2 but requires Harmony, MCM, UI Extender, and ButterLib
In the old files mod version 2.2.0 works with game versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 but requires Harmony, MCM, UI Extender, and ButterLib
It can be added mid-save without any issues. It should be compatible with most mods. Except: However, I did notice some issues with adopting married lords if you are using a mod like "Marry Anyone Continue" that overhauls the marriage system. These mods change the marriage system and can cause this mod to not be able to find the spouse of a married lord. The effect is that the spouse of an adopted married lord may not be changed into your clan and may remain with their original clan. I plan on adding compatibility eventually.
It has been reported that it has compatibility issues with "Player Switcher" mod. If you try to adopt the starting hero after switching heroes, it will cause a crash. I will look into adding compatibility for this.
Added Features: - Adopt companions as a sibling (1.0.0 initial) - Adopt companions as a child (1.0.0 initial) - Rename family members (1.1.0 on 03/30/2022) - Mod Configuration Menu for options (2.0.0 on 4/4/2022) - Optional ability to adopt other lords and notables (not just companions) (2.0.0 on 4/4/2022) - Optional configurable requirements to adopt companions (minimum relationship, etc...) (2.0.0 on 4/4/2022) - Button in encyclopedia to adopt (so you can adopt children or anyone without talking to them) (2.1.0 on 4/17/2022) - Clean up dialog so it isn't on the first dialog screen (3.0.1 on 6/21/2022) - Use xml file for dialog so that it can be translated (3.0.1 on 6/21/2022) - Compatibility with 1.7.2 Stable (3.0.1 on 6/21/2022)
Planned Future changes (so far, feel free to suggest others): - Distinguish between adopted family and natural family - Extend adoption requirements - Being able to unadopt (or kick anyone from family) - Refactor code to improve design - Work on improving buttons to be more compatible (not sure if this is possible) - Add group toggles for various features to turn off parts player doesn't want/need - Test with 1.8.0 for compatibility and add if needed