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About this mod

Troop Cost mod. Configurable. Default: Wage x2 (instead x1.5). Recruitment: 12-25-50... (instead 10-20-50...). Mercenary, CaravanGuard, Bandit +12.5% (instead x2). Mounted +50% (not +200 or +500). Ransom: 80% (instead 25%). Upgrade bandit without perk. And etc.

Permissions and credits
Wage x2 (instead x1.5). On/off.
Recruitment: 12-25-50... (instead 10-20-50...). Custom value.
Mercenary, CaravanGuard, Bandit +25%. Mounted +50%. Custom value.
Ransom: 80% (instead 25%). Custom value.
Perk: SturgianRecruit 25% for melee to 10% for not-mounted. Frugal 15% to 5%. On/off.
XpCostForUpgrade: x2. Hardcode (formula).
Upgrade bandit without perk. Hardcode (auto-true).

Note: for upgrade without horse with other mod (like "GetYourOwnHorse"), put it before my mod :)


Old desc part: ...and item (tier, type). Option (on/off): 2h only no reduces weapon price, new formula arrows (+tier = 2 dmg or 6 count instead dmg or 10 count), logic wage/tier (x1.4-x2), etc.

(v1.21) Add settings

Mod for cost (value at will player):
  •  hire troop (vanila x1, recomended x2; also fix cost recruit 20 -> 25);
  •  ransom troop (vanila x0.25 hire cost, recomended x0.8 for take the enemies alive (otherwise the equipment that has fallen from the killed opponents is much more expensive than the unit itself with(!) all the equipment);
  • tier item (change "Math.Power": recomtnded 2.00, vanila new 2.75, vanila old 2,95);
  • type item (vanila x1 all; recomended 0.5 on eguip for take the enemies alive);

Options (on/off):
  • double wage unit (instead vanila x1.4/tier);
  • fix discount for steward 25 and sturgia culture (15 -> 5%, 25% infantry -> 10% foot (melee and ranged));
  • appearance item change cost item (set infcuence cost on default app. (0.5) for all item);
  • change mod cost "2H only" (an illogical thing that makes high-level two-handed swords cheaper than inferior bastards with a cheap handle);
  • change formula for arrow tier (vanila: +dmg or +count10; mod: +2dmg or count6 or +dmg+count3).

<cost_mod_troop>12.5</cost_mod_troop> <!-- 6.25 (float) mod = 12.5  -->

<cost_mod_ransom_troop>0.8</cost_mod_ransom_troop> <!-- 0.25 (float) mod = 0.8 -->

<wage_double>true</wage_double> <!-- false (bool) mod = true (vanila x1.41 (1d_23d)  mod x2 (1d_128d); vanila x1.4(0)1+_1,41176470588235) -->

<hire_discount>true</hire_discount> <!-- false (bool) mod = true (15% to 5% for steward 25; sturg 25% infantry to 10% for foot melee and ranged, at khuzait)  -->

<cost_mod_armor>0.5</cost_mod_armor> <!-- 1 (float) mod = 0.5 (vanila cost armor 120%) --><cost_mod_weapon>0.5</cost_mod_weapon> <!-- 1 (float) mod = 0.5 (vanila cost weapon 100%) --><cost_mod_horse>1.0</cost_mod_horse> <!-- 1 (float) mod = 0.5 (vanila cost horse 100%) --><cost_mod_saddle>0.5</cost_mod_saddle> <!-- 1 (float) mod = 0.5 (vanila cost saddle 100%) --><cost_mod_goods>1.0</cost_mod_goods> <!-- 1 (float) mod = 1.0 (vanila cost goods 100%) -->

<power_mod_item>2.00</power_mod_item> <!-- 2.75 (float) mod = 2.00 (vanila old = 3.00) -->

<appearance_item>true</appearance_item> <!-- ignore influence appearance for cost of item -->

<change_only_2h_formula>true</change_only_2h_formula> <!-- false (bool) mod = true (only 2h cost 100%, at 1h or bastard weapon); vanila (only 2h cost 80%) -->

<change_arrows_formula>true</change_arrows_formula> <!-- false (bool) mod = true (plus tier = 2dmg or 1dmg+count3 or count6); vanila (plus tier = 1dmg or count10) -->

<tier_wood>-1</tier_wood> <!-- m1 (int) (optional mod) 1 (tier1 =crude_iron); vanila (tier minus 1) -->


Price reduction for equipment according to the formula proposed by TW.
In patch 1.7, the exponent base was reduced from 3 (2.95) to 2.75.
This greatly helped to strike a balance. Especially in the cost of craft items.

I continued the trend and reduced the bottom to 2.
Since in the game each next tier costs twice as much, and not three, or 2.75 times =)


Cost of hiring units has been doubled, due to the correction of the formula that was specified by TW, but hard-coded values ​​were used instead.
For example, 20 coins for a recruit instead of the logical 25, because. 2+ Tier costs 50+ coins.

Merc/bandit hire +10% instead +100%.

Original price (hardcode) = 20, 50, 100, etc.
Original price (mercenaries, hardcode) = 40, 100, 200, etc.
Original price (formula) = 40, 100, 190, etc.
Price (mod) = 50, 100, 200, etc. (merc +10%)


Mounted x2 cost (instead +150 or +500).

Why? Example.
Tier2, Khuzait = 50+150 = 200 dinar (+300(!!!)% cost).
I think, this not normal.


Unit upkeep has also been changed to x2 per tier instead of x1.5.
Because of which, top units were extremely cheap to maintain, or recruits did not justify their content at all (depending on how you look at it).


There are also really serious changes that can shake the balance due to going beyond the limits set by TW (I'm not a great creator, but just an ordinary person, and therefore I can be wrong), but against the general background, these changes are insignificant.

The price mod for "only two-handed weapons" has been removed (in the original: the price is x0.8, because of which it was more profitable to make bastards than purely two-handed swords, and the hilts of Tier 5 are generally All (!) Only two-handed).
Which does not fit in with the general logic of the game mechanics set by TW.

The tier of wood in the calculation of the item cost formula has been increased from -1(!) tier to 2 tiers.
According to the base cost of wood (25 coins). That is, it is approximately equal to W.Iron (in my humble opinion).

Editing the formula for calculating the range of arrows is controversial (for mine).
In the original, +1 shooting gallery was given for 1 unit. damage, or additional 10(!) arrows in the quiver (over 20 base ones).
I slightly changed the formula. Now +1 tier is given for 2 damage, or 6 arrows, or +1 damage and 3 arrows (standard distribution in my other mod).

What does all this mean in practice?
The balance of prices and values in the game should be at least a little better.
That's why I made this mod.


Installation (standard)
Unzip the archive into the Modules folder and enable it in the Launcher =)

Thanks for:

Bannerlord Smithing algorithm (possible spoilers)



Item Fixer

Make Everything Cheaper

True Item Values

True Army Costs

These mods (and others) helped me find right solutions for my mod =)