About this mod
Warlord mod wants to be a compilation of improvements on M&B II Bannerlord mechanics.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
First of all, thanks to the work from jtlane16, Cheyron as this mod includes some of their ones, as Warlord mod want to be a compilation of improvements on M&B II Bannerlord mechanics.
I´ll be adding new content over the time and releasing new versions. But i prefer to release updates each time i add or fix something, better than awaiting months to release a big version. So, download taking that in account.
You can enable/disable the different options from the mod from ModOptions -> Warlord
- Lords Parties respawn will take around five more times than in vanilla (it´s a bit random). In addition Lords Parties will respawn with only the Lord, without extra free troops. The idea it´s that great victories over enemies will have far greater impact as enemies will take more time to reapear and also will take more time to be powerful.
- Reputation (Relation with Heroes) will be increased if you win battles and tournaments.
This mod will add a 'Supply Lines' menu option to yourfiefs (towns and castles). With this option you can choose to send or request
food support (50 Grain) to or from your other fiefs. The AI will also use this
feature as well and it should add a whole new dynamic to warfare.
In order to send food you must have troops in yourgarrison you can select to escort the shipment and your town must have at least
50 food in stock. Also the fief you are sending support to or requesting
support from can't be under siege.
The AI will basically go through each clan oncedaily. It will go through all their fiefs and see which fiefs have below 50
food and also a negative food change. If a fief has these conditions then it
will look for the closest fief with food surplus and form a party from it's
garrison to ship the food. During testing I let it run for one day and I
noticed about 3 AI shipments were created. So this is something the AI will
benefit from. When the AI used it, their castles had 0 food and a change of -1 while
their cities were full of food. You can also let the AI handle the player fiefs
by enabling it in the Supply Lines menu.
-Automated supply lines for the player and AI willnow send out supply parties to siege armies where the siege leader is low on
food (< 5 days of food left). This might help the AI from disbanding from
sieges early so often.
When supply parties reach their destination theywill be absorbed into that garrison or you can instruct them to return. The AI
will always instruct parties to return home.
GitHub project: https://github.com/Valthaer/B3-Warlord
Based on the work from:
jtlane16 on FillStacks mod https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/3510?tab=description
Cheyron on Supply Lines mod https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/2266?tab=description
- Valthaer
Compatible and recommended mods:
Improved Garrisons https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/688?tab=description