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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Katarn2000x - Jirow13 - 3ger

Uploaded by


Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

This is obsolete! The original mod has been updated. (This was updated to e1.5.8 and e1.5.9 Beta by 3ger.)

Permissions and credits
The original mod has started development again, so get the updated version here!

Oh and btw all Donation Points went to charity on this. I didn't make a dime. :)


This is just a Nexus Mods mirror of a forked and updated version of the mod Diplomacy Fixes. See the wiki page for features and details.
(Note: I've just arranged the folder structure for Vortex use. I'm only a redistributor of these files, and I'm most certainly not a guy who can code.)

This version was being maintained by 3gerhere on GitHub. It was since archived shortly and then deleted.
If anyone would like the old source code, the GitHub repo forks from it can be found here or here. They're now both MIT licensed.

Install & Uninstall

To install you can use your mod manager. For manual installs, extract the archive into "Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord." Then activate the "DiplomacyFixes" module in your game's launcher.

To uninstall delete the mod's entry from your mod manager. If you installed manually, then delete the "DiplomacyFixes" folder from "Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules."

Should be safe to install or uninstall at any time, existing save or otherwise.