About this mod
Do the native limits and tier based quotas annoy you? Do you want your party size (or everyones) to be larger? Do you want more workshops? Do you want a larger party number without tiers?
HLC has got your back!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Polish
- German
- Changelogs
Currently supported:
- Companions Count
- Party Sizes (player only to maintain game balance)
- Number of Parties
- Prisoner Limits
- Workshop Limits
For any questions, suggestions or to report a bug, please use the Discord Channel
This mod requires True Controller and is part of the True Gameplay Overhaul pack:
True Noble Opinion - Fixes the opinions of nobles and mercs to be separate from the clan leader
True Relations - Your reputation with those around you will change with your actions
True Town Gold - Never again be limited by the trading gold available in towns
True Army Costs - Forming an army is a costly endeavor, prepare to have the way you view your troops be altered
True Battle Loot - Changes the loot rules to increase the amount and loot the more valuable items first, your purse is sure to thank you
True Limits - Set your own limits and formulas for various calculations such as party sizes and maximum prisoners
These mods are designed to be modular and can added / removed at any point, they do not alter save files
Designed for and tested on 1.2.10
Other Bannerlord versions likely compatible, including 1.2.7+
Future updates may affect the mod as developers continue to alter the code structure in which case a separate version may be released accordingly
Some MCM configurations such as limits and army costs take effect when loading a save or starting a new game
When in doubt quick save and reload