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About this mod

This mod adds 50+ cheats to the game - all configurable in an in-game menu - allowing you to modify the game difficulty to your liking and skipping grindy parts of the game.

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Check out the changelog up here!

If you prefer to use the Steam Workshop, you can find the mod [here].


What does this mod do?
This mod adds various cheats to Mount & Blade: Bannerlord.
Everything is configurable through a menu using Mod Configuration Menu.
All options are instantly applied without a restart. The mod can be safely installed/uninstalled in existing save games, but you should always backup your saves anyways when changing mods.

How do I install it?
  • Find the Modules folder in your Bannerlord installation location. For Steam users, this is usually here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules
  • Download the latest version of the Mod Configuration Menu and all its requirements and install it by dropping the mod files into your Modules folder.
  • Download the latest version of this mod that fits your version of the game and drop the contained folder called Cheats into your Modules folder.
  • Start the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord launcher and select all Mod Configuration Menu mods and the Cheats mod to be loaded.
Your Modules folder structure should look something like this:

Your mod order in the launcher should look something like this:

Where can I find the mod's settings?
Since version 2 of the mod, all cheats are saved separately for every character you play.
This means that the cheats menu only shows up while you are playing a campaign, and not in the main menu anymore.
After loading or starting a campaign, you will find a tab called "Mod Options" in the game's options menu.
In there, you will find an entry called "Cheats". If you click on that, you will see all cheats the mod has to offer.
Just change a value and click "Save" to instantly apply the cheat to your game.
Sometimes, after starting a new campaign, the cheats will not show up. To fix this, save the game once, return to the main menu and load the save again. The cheats should show up then.

Do I need to have Bannerlord's 'Cheat Mode' enabled?
No. The cheats in this mod work even if you do not have cheat mode enabled.
You should enabled Bannerlord's cheat mode if you want to have the cheats it provides, e.g. item spawning or slow-motion.
If you have all cheats in this mod on their default settings, your game will work exactly like if the mod wasn't installed.

Can I suggest new cheats?
Of course! Just drop a comment in the Posts tab and I will take a look at it. Please be aware that your suggestion might not fit the scope of the mod or just not be technically possible, so there is no guarantee that it will be implemented.

A cheat doesn't work! / My game crashes using this mod!
I'm sorry for that! I'm trying to make the mod as crash-safe as possible, but some things always slip through.
Please drop a comment in the Posts tab.
Try to describe as in as much detail as possible which mods you had enabled, which cheats you had enabled,
and how the error showed itself (game crashes / error message popped up / cheat does not have intended effect / etc.)
I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Can I see the source code? / Can I use your code in my mod?
The source code is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the MIT license, which means you are free to reuse and modify my code as you wish, no questions asked!

The Cheats
Below you can find the cheats currently implemented in the mod, sorted into categories.
Open the spoiler tags to see the cheats of each category.
Each cheat correlates to an entry in the settings menu.
This list might be slightly outdated, because it is annoying to update and you can see the list ingame anyways.

# General #
- Enable Hotkeys
Enable cheat hotkeys in inventory screen, party screen, clan screen etc.

- Enable Hotkey Tips
Enable to see a list of available cheat hotkeys in every screen that has any.

- Map Speed Multiplier
Factor by which the speed of the player on the map is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default speed.

- Map Visibility Multiplier
Factor by which the visibility range of the player on the map is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default visibility. WARNING: Will negatively affect performance!

- NPC Party Speed
Slow down NPC parties on the map to a percentage of their original speed. A value of 100% means default speed, 50% means half speed, 0% means they cannot move.

- Party Invisible On Map
Hostile parties will not track or attack the player party on the map.

- Damage Taken Percentage
How much damage the player takes on each hit. 100% means full damage, 50% means half damage, and 0% makes the player invincible.

- Invincible
Disables all damage to the player character.

- Player Horse Invincible
Disables all damage to the horse the player is currently riding.

- Party Invincible
Disables all damage to members of the player's party.

- Party Heroes Invincible
Disables all damage to hero members of the player's party. Does not affect normal troops.

- Party Damage Taken Percentage
How much damage player party members take on each hit. 100% means full damage, 50% means half damage, and 0% makes them invincible.

- One Hit Kill
Kill enemies with one hit.

- Party One Hit Kill
Party members kill enemies with one hit.

- Party Only Knockout
Party members are never killed, only knocked unconcious.

- Enemy Only Knockout
Enemies are never killed, only knocked unconcious.

- Renown Reward Multiplier
Factor by which the renown reward after a won battle or tournament is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default renown.

- Influence Reward Multiplier
Factor by which the influence reward after a won battle is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default influence.

- Always Win Battle Simulation
Enemies do no damage to the player party in combat simulations.

- No Troop Sacrifice
No troop sacrifice when running from an enemy or breaking a siege.

- No Running Away
Troops in the player's party do not run away during combat.

- Enemies Never Run Away
Enemies never run away during combat.

- Extra Bandit Hideout Troops
Additional troops that can join the player in hideout battles. A value of 0 means default troop limit.

- Always Crush Through Shields
Your strikes always crush through enemy shields.

- Slice Through Everyone
Always slice through enemies with every attack unless blocked by their weapon.

- Health Regeneration
The player character regenerates the set percentage of his total health every second during combat. A value of 0% means no regeneration.

- Party Health Regeneration
Player party members regenerate the set percentage of their total health every second during combat. A value of 0% means no regeneration.

- Infinite Ammo
Ranged and thrown weapons have infinite ammunition.

- Party Infinite Ammo
Ranged and thrown weapons of player party members have infinite ammunition.

- Damage Multiplier
Factor by which the damage dealt by the player during combat is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default damage. If One Hit Kill is active, this has no effect.

- Enemy Damage Percentage
Percentage of damage all player enemies do during combat compared to the original damage. 100% means full damage.

- Party Damage Multiplier
Factor by which the damage dealt by the player party members during combat is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default damage. If Party One Hit Kill is active, this has no effect.

- No Friendly Fire
Completely disable friendly fire for the player party.

- Combat Zoom Multiplier
Increase the zoom level during combat. 1 means default zoom.

- Instant Crossbow Reload
If enabled crossbow reloading is almost instant.

- Player Companion Death Percentage
Percentage of chance of player companions dying during combat. 100% means default chance, 0% means companions never die.

- Friendly Lord Combat Death Percentage
Percentage of chance of allied lords dying during combat. 100% means default chance, 0% means lords never die.

- Enemy Lord Combat Death Percentage
Percentage of chance of enemy lords dying during combat. 100% means default chance, 0% means lords never die.

- Enemy Lord Combat Death Chance Multiplier
Factor by which the chance of enemy lords dying in combat is multiplied. 1 means default death chance.

- Always Knock Down
Always knock down enemies on every hit.

- Never Knocked Back By Attacks
If enabled the player character is never knocked back or stunned by enemy attacks.

- Extra Inventory Capacity
Extra inventory capacity for the player party.

- Spawn Items
Check to enable item spawning just like in native cheat mode. Open the inventory to see all items in the game, drag to your inventory to spawn them.

- Extra Party Member Size
Increase the maximum size for the player party.

- Extra Party Prisoner Size
Increase the maximum amount of prisoners travelling with the party.

- Extra Party Morale
Increase morale of the player party.

- Instant Escape
Player escapes instantly after being caught by another party.

- Food Consumption Percentage
How much food the player party needs. 100% means full food consumption, 0% means no food consumption.

- Free Troop Upgrades
Player party troop upgrades are free.

- Free Companion Hiring
Companions require no hiring fee.

- Instant Prisoner Recruitment
Prisoners can be instantly recruited.

- No Prisoner Escape
Prisoners cannot escape from captivity.

- Party Healing Multiplier
Factor by which the party healing rate is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default healing.

- Decision Override Influence Cost Percentage
Percentage of influence cost to override a kingdom decision. 100% means full cost, 0% means no influence cost.

- Extra Companion Limit
Increase the maximum amount of companions in your clan.

- Extra Clan Party Limit
Increase the maximum amount of parties in your clan.

- Extra Clan Party Size
Increase the maximum amount of troops in parties of your clan.

- Perfect Relationships
All relationships between the player and other characters are set to 100.

- Barter Offer Always Accepted
Barter offers are always acceptable to other characters.

- No Barter Cooldown
No cooldown between bartering attempts with a character.

- Conversation Always Successful
Conversation and persuasion attempts always succeed.

- Perfect Attraction
If enabled, potential partners will always be 100% attracted to you.

- Allow Same Sex Marriage
If enabled, you can marry characters of the same gender as your character.

- Pregnancy Chance Multiplier
Factor by which the chance of getting pregnant for player characters or player character spouses is multiplied. Does not affect characters that cannot become pregnant! A factor of 1 means default pregnancy chance.

- Adjust Pregnancy Duration
Adjust the length of pregnancies for all characters in the game. The default length of a pregnancy is 36 days.

- Kingdom Vote Weight Multiplier
Factor by which the likelihood to win ('weight') of the kingdom decision vote the player supports is increased.

- No Relationship Loss On Decision
Do not lose relationship points with people on the opposing side of the player's vote.

- No Crime Rating For Crimes
Illegal actions do not result in a crime rating.

- Experience Multiplier
Factor by which the experience gain of the player is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default experience.

- Companion Experience Multiplier
Factor by which the experience gain of player companions is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default experience.

- Learning Rate Multiplier
Factor by which the learning rate of the player is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default learning.

- Companion Learning Rate Multiplier
Factor by which the learning rate of player companions is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default learning.

- Learning Limit Multiplier
Factor by which the learning limit for all skills is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default learning limit.

- Troop Experience Multiplier
Factor by which the experience gain of the player's troops is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default experience.

- Free Focus Point Assignment
Assigning focus levels to a skill does not cost focus points.

- Siege Building Speed Multiplier
Factor by which the speed of siege engine construction on the player party's side is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default build speed.

- Enemy Siege Building Speed Percentage
How quickly the opposing side in sieges can build siege engines or wall defenses. 100% means full speed, 0% means no siege engines at all.

- Faction Army Cohesion Loss Percentage
How much cohesion NPC armies of the player faction lose over time. 100% means full cohesion loss, 0% means cohesion is frozen.

- Cohesion Loss Percentage
How much cohesion the army the player party has joined loses. 100% means full cohesion loss, 0% means cohesion is frozen.

- Food Consumption Percentage
How much food the the army the player party has joined needs. 100% means full food consumption, 0% means no food consumption.

- Disguise Always Works
Sneaking into settlements always succeeds.

- Item Trading Cost Percentage
How much items cost to buy from traders. 100% means full price, 50% means half price, and 0% means everything is free.

- Selling Price Multiplier
Factor by which the price of items sold by the player is increased. A factor of 1 means default price.

- Tournament Maximum Bet Multiplier
Factor by which the maximum amont of money you can bet on a tournament is multiplied. 1 means default value.

- Daily Food Bonus
The food stocks in player owned castles and cities grow by the configured value every day.

- Daily Garrison Bonus
The garrison in player owned castles and cities grows by the configured value every day.

- Daily Militia Bonus
The militia in player owned villages and cities grows by the configured value every day.

- Daily Prosperity Bonus
The prosperity in player owned castles and cities grows by the configured value every day.

- Daily Loyalty Bonus
The loyalty in player owned castles and cities grows by the configured value every day.

- Daily Security Bonus
The security in player owned castles and cities grows by the configured value every day.

- Daily Hearths Bonus
The hearths in player owned villages grow by the configured value every day.

- Never Require Civilian Equipment
Allows you to enter any mission with your battle gear.

- Enter Keeps Without Bribe
If enabled, no bribe is required to enter a keep.

- Energy Cost Percentage
How much energy smithing, smelting or refining costs. 100% means full energy cost, 0% means no energys cost.

- Unlock All Parts
All smithing parts are unlocked.

- Difficulty Percentage
How difficult a weapon design is. 100% means full difficulty, 0% means no difficulty.

- Materials Cost Percentage
How much material crafting a weapon costs. 100% means full material cost, 0% means no materials cost.

- Crafted Weapon Handling Bonus
Bonus that is applied to the Handling value of any weapon the player crafts.

- Crafted Weapon Swing Damage Bonus
Bonus that is applied to the Swing Damage value of any weapon the player crafts.

- Crafted Weapon Swing Speed Bonus
Bonus that is applied to the Swing Speed value of any weapon the player crafts.

- Crafted Weapon Thrust Damage Bonus
Bonus that is applied to the Thrust Damage value of any weapon the player crafts.

- Crafted Weapon Thrust Speed Bonus
Bonus that is applied to the Thrust Speed value of any weapon the player crafts.

- Buying Cost Percentage
Percentage of price for buying a workshop. 100% means full price, 0% means free workshops.

- Daily Expense Percentage
Pecentage of daily workshop expense costs. 100% means full expenses, 0% means no expenses.

- Workshop Upgrade Cost Percentage
Pecentage of workshop upgrade costs. 100% means full cost, 0% means free upgrades.

- Selling Price Multiplier
Factor by which the money you get for selling a workshop is multiplied. A factor of 1 means default selling price.

- Everyone Buys Workshops
If enabled, you will always find a buyer for your workshop, even if you have adjusted the workshop selling price cheat.