
Interview with Gopher, author of March\'s FOTM

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Immersive HUD, or iHUD for short, by Gopher won March’s File of the Month Competition for New Vegas Nexus. Gopher kindly agreed to do an interview with us. We hope you enjoy!

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, what are some of your hobbies outside of games?
A: The short version: Englishman who used to be a school teacher that now lives in Norway and works as a software developer, father of three kids, loves formula 1 motor racing and all things sci-fi. Hobbies include skydiving and salsa, but with the birth of my son a few weeks ago my main hobby right now is imagining what sleep feels like.

Q: What was your inspiration for creating iHUD?
A: Would it sound scary if I said I think iHUD inspired itself?It is one of those mods that just seems so obvious now, that I cannot believe I didn't make it before.

I have always liked HUD elements on mods, especially ones that save you having to go to the pipboy. But I equally do not like the way they break immersion. I like to get into the feel of a character, the world, the story etc. without constant reminders that it is a game. So I was considering a number of options to make the HUD less intrusive whilst still being useful. But what actually ended up motivating me to take it from a prototype to a full blown mod was actually a discussion on the FNV Visual Concoction Cookbook page.

I had just released CinemaTech with MyGoodEye, which used the HUD to create special effects, and unfortunately this meant the special effects disappeared when using the 'tm' console command, so there was no quick way to remove the HUD for a screenshot without removing the special effects. At that point iHUD just sort of took on a life of its own and became inevitable.

Q: Do you plan on any new features being implemented in the mod?
A: Probably. The core HUD elements are done, but I hope to add more options, especially for supported mods. But right now I actually think there is more call for new features in my other HUD mods like the Adjustable HUD and Primary Needs HUD.

Q: What was the hardest part about the creation process?
A: Making it work with every possible UI and HUD mod. The iHUD mod is one of those mods that will always need updating as long as new mods with HUD elements are being made.

Q: Any plans for future projects?
A: Well right now I have no time because of the obvious family priorities. But once I get some free time I have several feature requests for a number of my mods. However, what I really want to do is some more collaborative work with other mod authors as that is the most fun, and often creates some brilliant results and great friendships.

Q: What was your favorite part about the creation process?
A: Well for every mod it is different, but for iHUD it was actually the process after the release of version 1. The reaction I got from the community was so positive and the mod was evolving day to day as new features were added. There were a lot of people giving input on the evolution of that mod.

Q: What are some of your favorite games if New Vegas isn’t the only game you play?
Fallout 1, 2 & 3, Mass Effect (1&2), Deus Ex (1&2) and Knights of the Old republic rank as some of my all time favourites. I also love the Civilization series. And I really enjoy multiplayer games like Counter Strike, Left4Dead etc.

But what list of great games would be complete without a shout out to Portal? My love for cake took on whole new meanings after that game.

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring mod authors?
A: Make what you want to make, and keep a sense of humor. Always make a detailed user manual, but don't under any circumstance expect anyone to actually read it before asking you questions that you already answered

Q: Finally, do you have anything you would like to say to our readers?
A: Thank you. Mod authors tend to get all the credit, but there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people in our community who contribute in countless ways. Some help people work out problems, some test mod updates and give valuable feedback, and some do something as simple as give kudos, endorse files or otherwise encourage a modder in his work.

Congratulations to Gopher for being March’s File of the Month winner.


  1. Flintlockecole
    • supporter
    • 42 kudos
    I have yet to try that HUD out but after reading that I might as well. I'm loving these interviews, maybe one with a modders resouce guy/gal?
  2. alividlife
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Yeah, these interviews are great.
    This modding community is nuts.

    Gopher and MyGoodEye have just been tearing up the mods lately.

    Great job!
    Definitely need to leave some endorsements =/
  3. Ivanish
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    "but with the birth of my son a few weeks ago my main hobby right now is imagining what sleep feels like."

    Hahaha, I'm right there with you brother!

    Thanks for this fine mod and your other great ones. No doubt I expected you to work in the business being able to make such fine mods!
  4. NafNaf95
    • supporter
    • 42 kudos
    just got imersave hud and allready getting cool screens thanks
  5. Gopher
    • premium
    • 8,202 kudos
    Yeah so don't ruin it by telling them what I am really like!
  6. schlangster
    • supporter
    • 1,916 kudos
    This Gopher person sure seems like a nice guy!
  7. HerrBaron
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    YAAAAAAYYY! Congrats, Gopher! You rate it!

  8. myrmaad
    • supporter
    • 239 kudos
    I really enjoyed reading Gopher's answers! So much so I gave a kudo to both of you! Keep up the great work!
  9. yoba333
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    I'll fix that for you
  10. Gopher
    • premium
    • 8,202 kudos
    Yeah, sorry, typo Lets hope he forgives me.