Small amount of Skyrim footage leaked

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One of the reporters who was invited to the BFG 2011 press event captured several seconds of Skyrim footage.

It can be found here.

A slowed down version has also been uploaded to Youtube.

The footage shows the player approaching an alter in a frozen location. As he approaches the alter the lid of a tomb blows off (what emerges is probably a Draugh priest mentioned in the print previews).


  1. Amazingchopin
    • account closed
    • 23 kudos
    Looks amazing, can't wait till 11.11.11
  2. marksman_sniper
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Will check it out, thanks for post!
  3. Prismvalkyrie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I vow to never watch anymore gameplay footage until the big day 11.11.11 lol
  4. ub3rman123
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    Didn't even know there were Ayleids in Skyrim...
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Lol, it`s kinda funny, hype over 3 secs of "footage".
  6. stars2heaven
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos

    They just showed the same footage that was shown in the trailer. Bethesda is keeping pretty tight wraps on this.

    Maybe it will be like the Halo 2 trailer that came out in the time of Halo 1. Halo 2 ended up being nothing like that trailer.

    Actually, looking very close we can see atleast a few things that are new here.

    1. We now know what the compass looks like. It is at the top of the screen.

    2. what the lich/skeleton bursting out of the coffin looks like (not the creature itself though, lol)

    3. What a very small portion of an actual dungeon looks like.

    yeah, not much...but still
  7. Telyn
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    I hate to say it but I am slightly underwhelmed by what I have seen thus far. I'm looking forward to the mods, though.
  8. David Brasher
    David Brasher
    • member
    • 543 kudos
    They just showed the same footage that was shown in the trailer. Bethesda is keeping pretty tight wraps on this.

    Maybe it will be like the Halo 2 trailer that came out in the time of Halo 1. Halo 2 ended up being nothing like that trailer.
  9. Zaldiir
    • Moderator
    • 487 kudos
    Not anything special, but cool anyhow!

    Every bit of Skyrim coverage is good coverage!
  10. Hickory
    • premium
    • 307 kudos
    Well, I can't see anything on mefeedia, and the YouTube video is bleah!