- Refine results Found 176 results. 12630 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
This mod allows you to fight and bet for fights in the Vivec's Arena, just like in the the Imperial City Arena in Oblivion.
- 12.4MB
- 2.8k
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This mod allows you to fight and bet for fights in the Vivec's Arena, just like in the the Imperial City Arena in Oblivion.
This mod expands Caldera Mine in every way possible. New quests (Including a Great House quest for all three Great Houses), new NPCs, new side quests, an expanded exterior and interior, and overall a completely lore-friendly revamp of Caldera Mine.
- 5.3MB
- 1.4k
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This mod expands Caldera Mine in every way possible. New quests (Including a Great House quest for all three Great Houses), new NPCs, new side quests, an expanded exterior and interior, and overall a completely lore-friendly revamp of Caldera Mine.
The Morag Tong Guild is the most poorly written faction in Morrowind. This mod fixes that by giving the guild a much needed touch up.
- 1.6MB
- 658
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The Morag Tong Guild is the most poorly written faction in Morrowind. This mod fixes that by giving the guild a much needed touch up.
Adds realistic individual cover 'backgrounds' for thieves in the South Wall, The Rat in the Pot and Dirty Muriel's.
- 12.2MB
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Adds realistic individual cover 'backgrounds' for thieves in the South Wall, The Rat in the Pot and Dirty Muriel's.
This mod adds a whole new guild to Morrowind, which will have you questing for knowledge and rare artifacts, long lost. You eventually gain the knowledge on how to become a Lich.
- 1.5MB
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This mod adds a whole new guild to Morrowind, which will have you questing for knowledge and rare artifacts, long lost. You eventually gain the knowledge on how to become a Lich.
Fleshes out the Imperial Cult and the Tribunal Temple.
Census and Excise Office Faction
This mod gives you the opportunity to join the Census and Excise Office and do quests for them. Part of the May Modathon Month.
- 13KB
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Census and Excise Office Faction
This mod gives you the opportunity to join the Census and Excise Office and do quests for them. Part of the May Modathon Month.
Join a fully playable guild and gain ranks to the top. The Astrologians are a small scale guild, with just a handful of guild members started by an Altmer named Nelangoth, who was previously part of the Mages Guild and still holds ties to them. Includes several new dungeons, items, quests and locations. Designed for maximum compatibility.
- 107.0MB
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Join a fully playable guild and gain ranks to the top. The Astrologians are a small scale guild, with just a handful of guild members started by an Altmer named Nelangoth, who was previously part of the Mages Guild and still holds ties to them. Includes several new dungeons, items, quests and locations. Designed for maximum compatibility.
Lore-friendly and balanced expansion of the Caldera Mages Guild, with some quests and new NPCs.
- 1.5MB
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Lore-friendly and balanced expansion of the Caldera Mages Guild, with some quests and new NPCs.
An overhaul of the Mages Guild, Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild
This mod adds a various new questlines for the Morag Tong faction which are given by the masters in Balmora, Ald-ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. Now you can perform four new quests in service of the Night Mother of Vvardenfell.
- 84KB
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This mod adds a various new questlines for the Morag Tong faction which are given by the masters in Balmora, Ald-ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. Now you can perform four new quests in service of the Night Mother of Vvardenfell.
OAAB Brother Junipers Twin Lamps
Update of Brother Juniper's classic quest mod. Join the Twin Lamps and fight against slavery through ~20 new quests. Now with overhauled locations, bug fixes, and extra dialogue and quest choices.
- 1.2MB
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OAAB Brother Junipers Twin Lamps
Update of Brother Juniper's classic quest mod. Join the Twin Lamps and fight against slavery through ~20 new quests. Now with overhauled locations, bug fixes, and extra dialogue and quest choices.
Expands and redecorates the interiors of the Balmora mages and fighters guild (as well as minor changes to the Temple). Also adds new quests, NPCs, and dialogue. Now with OAAB.
- 837KB
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Expands and redecorates the interiors of the Balmora mages and fighters guild (as well as minor changes to the Temple). Also adds new quests, NPCs, and dialogue. Now with OAAB.
This mod overhauls the Fighters Guild questline by improving the background and narrative side of most of its quests, as well as adding more variety and new options to complete them.
- 681KB
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This mod overhauls the Fighters Guild questline by improving the background and narrative side of most of its quests, as well as adding more variety and new options to complete them.
This mod allows you to role play as a vampire hunter, finally. Quests, new characters, unique dialogue, equipment and a lot more.
- 15KB
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This mod allows you to role play as a vampire hunter, finally. Quests, new characters, unique dialogue, equipment and a lot more.
Allows you to join all 3 Great Houses and earn all 3 strongholds
Magistrate Mages Guild Revamped
This mod adds the "Guild Headquarters" to all the Guild Chapters, depending on the PC's rank it will be possible to acquire guards from several factions and access facilities pertaining the Mages Guild (Offices), the Fighters Guild (Training) and the Thieves Guild (Fence). Now it INCLUDES: Archmage Privileges 2.1 by Arcimaestro Anteres.
- 9.1MB
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Magistrate Mages Guild Revamped
This mod adds the "Guild Headquarters" to all the Guild Chapters, depending on the PC's rank it will be possible to acquire guards from several factions and access facilities pertaining the Mages Guild (Offices), the Fighters Guild (Training) and the Thieves Guild (Fence). Now it INCLUDES: Archmage Privileges 2.1 by Arcimaestro Anteres.
Join the Imperial Dwemer Society and help research the Dwemer. Use Dwemer machinery, create unique items, restore an old teleportation system, add new exhibits to the guild's museum...
- 4.8MB
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Join the Imperial Dwemer Society and help research the Dwemer. Use Dwemer machinery, create unique items, restore an old teleportation system, add new exhibits to the guild's museum...
This mod lets the player take control of the Suran Temple once they advance enough in the Tribunal Temple faction. Through a series of quests (and with some choices to make along the way), you will get to improve the temple.
- 4.3MB
- 250
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This mod lets the player take control of the Suran Temple once they advance enough in the Tribunal Temple faction. Through a series of quests (and with some choices to make along the way), you will get to improve the temple.
Join the Camonna Tong - Camonna Tong Faction Mod
This mod lets you join the Camonna Tong and includes more than 40 quests. Only available for Dunmer character.
- 130KB
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Join the Camonna Tong - Camonna Tong Faction Mod
This mod lets you join the Camonna Tong and includes more than 40 quests. Only available for Dunmer character.