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Buy a house in each city just like in Oblivion.
Located in Balmora\'s Canal West Manor District, BalconyHouse is a stately structure constructed in fine Hhaluu tradition. It is attractively decorated, upscale but not overwhelming, comfortable and designed to meet character needs. Features: High capacity storage containers; generous treasure display areas; fully equipped laboratory; attractive
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Located in Balmora\'s Canal West Manor District, BalconyHouse is a stately structure constructed in fine Hhaluu tradition. It is attractively decorated, upscale but not overwhelming, comfortable and designed to meet character needs. Features: High capacity storage containers; generous treasure display areas; fully equipped laboratory; attractive
Concept Art Palace (Vivec City)
The Concept Art Palace mod (C.A.P.) is my attempt to bring the Vivec palace closer the original Kirkbride's concept art.The palace is now back to be worthy of God.
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Concept Art Palace (Vivec City)
The Concept Art Palace mod (C.A.P.) is my attempt to bring the Vivec palace closer the original Kirkbride's concept art.The palace is now back to be worthy of God.
This plugin adds a house to Pelegiad near the city's main entrance. The house includes: A cozy living area, a restful master bedroom, a magic study, an armory, and a storage closet. Also includes some special items: alchemy books, teleportation devices (home and abroad), and a working trash receptacle.
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This plugin adds a house to Pelegiad near the city's main entrance. The house includes: A cozy living area, a restful master bedroom, a magic study, an armory, and a storage closet. Also includes some special items: alchemy books, teleportation devices (home and abroad), and a working trash receptacle.
Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion
Expands the Vivec Mages Guild to make it feel more like the regional hub of such a large institution while keeping the same feel of the original space.
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Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion
Expands the Vivec Mages Guild to make it feel more like the regional hub of such a large institution while keeping the same feel of the original space.
This mod makes the Tower of Vos (Tel Vos) much, much taller than before. Now it dominates the Grazelands, overlooking the region.
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This mod makes the Tower of Vos (Tel Vos) much, much taller than before. Now it dominates the Grazelands, overlooking the region.
***Mod is not dependent on Tribunal or Bloodmoon***Version History:2.0 - Much has changed and much has been added. Fixed problem with water levels inexplicably rising in some houses in the Outer City in Vivec. Rebuilt Msilivil's outdoor shop for better FPS. Reworked dialog to be cleaner. Reworked the Camonna Tong quest line scripts to be more reli
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***Mod is not dependent on Tribunal or Bloodmoon***Version History:2.0 - Much has changed and much has been added. Fixed problem with water levels inexplicably rising in some houses in the Outer City in Vivec. Rebuilt Msilivil's outdoor shop for better FPS. Reworked dialog to be cleaner. Reworked the Camonna Tong quest line scripts to be more reli
This small mod add tower to the Gnisis temple that we can see on artworks
Looming high over the hills of the northern Ashlands, the towers of Bal'laku are an awe-inspiring sight to behold.
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Looming high over the hills of the northern Ashlands, the towers of Bal'laku are an awe-inspiring sight to behold.
Expands the city of Gnaar Mok.
Hard-to-find and one of THE BEST Morrowind house mods available, I present (again, after 8 years) Abandoned Flat V2 by Ghost Who Walks. His website is
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Hard-to-find and one of THE BEST Morrowind house mods available, I present (again, after 8 years) Abandoned Flat V2 by Ghost Who Walks. His website is
Wolverine Hall Interior Expansion
A relatively small, lore-friendly expansion to the interior of the Legion fort in Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall.
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Wolverine Hall Interior Expansion
A relatively small, lore-friendly expansion to the interior of the Legion fort in Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall.
Vivec Expansion 3.1 TWEAKED Reworked
I have fixed the floating door, deleted the pickpockets and cleaned the mod.
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Vivec Expansion 3.1 TWEAKED Reworked
I have fixed the floating door, deleted the pickpockets and cleaned the mod.
Overhaul of Almalexia's High Chapel in Mournhold, a mod for #ALMSIVI23 challenge.
A complete revisitation of Tel Uvirith, it adds 12 unique NPCs and several facilities, such as: Weather Control Crystal, Alchemy Lab, Master Bedroom, Personal Laboratory, Grand Library, Throne Room, Fast Travel Room, Personal Assistant Room, Display Room, Secret Vault, Prison.
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A complete revisitation of Tel Uvirith, it adds 12 unique NPCs and several facilities, such as: Weather Control Crystal, Alchemy Lab, Master Bedroom, Personal Laboratory, Grand Library, Throne Room, Fast Travel Room, Personal Assistant Room, Display Room, Secret Vault, Prison.
Glass Domes of Vivec - Performance-friendly Open-ish Cantons
Replaces the tops of Vivec's cantons with "glass" domes, so that the plaza interiors are gloriously lit by daylight and aren't as miserable. They will react to weather and night time, also.Inspired by open Vivec canton mods like No-Frills Open Vivec, but without the performance drop of actually moving all those NPCs into the exterior world.
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Glass Domes of Vivec - Performance-friendly Open-ish Cantons
Replaces the tops of Vivec's cantons with "glass" domes, so that the plaza interiors are gloriously lit by daylight and aren't as miserable. They will react to weather and night time, also.Inspired by open Vivec canton mods like No-Frills Open Vivec, but without the performance drop of actually moving all those NPCs into the exterior world.
Makes the Mournhold Temple spires and the Castle visible from other Mournhold areas.
This mod adds a small player owned home found directly south of the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora.
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This mod adds a small player owned home found directly south of the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora.
Each of the seven guilds three Great Houses in Vvardenfell now offer modest living quarters. Faction members now have somewhere to store a decent amount of stuff and a place to practice their skills while they work their way up through the ranks.
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Each of the seven guilds three Great Houses in Vvardenfell now offer modest living quarters. Faction members now have somewhere to store a decent amount of stuff and a place to practice their skills while they work their way up through the ranks.
A good place to stay - v1.8 - by Simstar Old classic re-upload : Adds an underground house to the flank of a mountain in Balmora.
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A good place to stay - v1.8 - by Simstar Old classic re-upload : Adds an underground house to the flank of a mountain in Balmora.