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  1. GeorgeCorbul
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Does it require OAAB and TR files, or are they pre-packaged?
  2. ffann1998
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    I use this in a combination with Dark Molag Mar and Sloadic Transports and it looks amazing.

    Just to let you know, I found a modified cell (-7, -6) that might incompatible with mods altering Suran due to how close they are. The conflict resided in a typical land tear so to fix that I removed the edits from the cell using EE. It helped but more than that everything in that cell seems to be as before, so I could guess it's safe to revert whatever changes were made for that cell.

    Changing the subject, I have played with some of your environment and interior mods and can surely say that these are one of the best down here on nexus. You have my undying respect for all the effort and love you put into them. Wish you all the luck and creativity.
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      Hi! Thanks for the kind words. 
      The edited cell is likely needed even if it's not immediately noticeable. Since some of the sulphur ponds are in the cell adjacent to Suran, it's possible the transition between one cell and the other has been edited. Removing cell edits might result in a seam at the border of the cell (maybe hidden in a static so it's not noticeable) or maybe I had to edit the landscape to make a sulphur pond look a bit more natural.
      In any case, if it's not immediately noticeable then the issue can likely be ignored, worst that can happen is a visual glitch in any case.

      On the topic of what I released, my work on Beautiful Cities of Morrowind is what I'm most proud of. If you like some of my standalone releases check it out as I consider it to be on a different level:)
    2. ffann1998
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Well, the cell (7; -6) does not have sulfur ponds in it, it's purely rocks and trees. Also, no land tears or other visual glitches were found by me after I removed the edits. 

      I'm aware of BCOM but decided not to use it for my current playthrough. I went with More Detailed Places instead because it's more vaniila-like, however unlike BCOM has a lot of incompatibility issues with other mods including this one. What an irony.
  3. frankstahl
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Thank you so much for this mod. This is one most beautifully done and most effective landscape overhaul mods I ever saw: It's neither doing too much nor too little (and I know this is  not quite so easy to pull off as it sounds). This will be a permanent part of my game from now on.
    Best wishes
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      Thanks for your feedback;)
  4. rabidbladesman
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is it compatible with Nabia Crater of Vvardenfell?
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      I doubt it, since this does the same thing but going in a different direction.
    2. Zzarcon
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Hey so I am the creator of the mod in question, and I did notice some similarities between my mod and this one. Particularly the bottom of the lake. I could make a patched version of my mod that removes most of the lake edits. Though the ruin on the other side might need to be either reworked or removed altogether due to the landscape edits.
    3. rabidbladesman
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      +1 for a patch version. I really think these mods compliment each other.
    4. Zzarcon
      • member
      • 30 kudos
  5. ShadowFangX99
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Very subtle, yet effective changes. Using this alongside Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul and it really does make these regions much more interesting to walk around in. Thank you for this mod! 
  6. GlazzyDeer
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Must have mod... molag amur is just such a boring region and this mod spices it up a little bit. I've been using this with Mountain of Fear, Nabia Crater of Vvardenfell, and Ruined Molag Mar and it's quite nice to look at!
  7. hater8
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Well, well, well... When I was still making mods for Morrowind, I also started to remake The Great Scathes, but did not finish it.

    There were two ideas:
    1. sulfuric water should be strictly horizontal.
    2. I added yellow mist from OAAB over lake water and sulfur puddles
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      The first idea has already been implemented, the second one is definitely something I'm going to add in a future update as it's a great idea.
    2. hater8
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      glad to hear that, as well as the fact that you are still making the world of Morrowind a better place

      thank you
    3. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      Wow that's quite the compliment! Thank you;)
  8. Demanufacturer87
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    it stays in my load order, thank you
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      If you're down for it, I'd be glad to post a showcase video of the mod recorded on your setup ;)
    2. Demanufacturer87
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      with pleasure :) 
  9. Wyrhta
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It's great to see that the Great Scathes have been revisited again.

    I liked your approach and the use of the new TR and OAAB resources. The Vent Worms and Yellow Lichen scattered here and there are just the icing on the cake.

    My only "gripe" is the small patch of land between the lake and the river, a legacy of the original TGS mod. But this doesn't alter the overall quality of your mod and can be resolved very quickly with the CS.

    Well done, RandomPal. Thanks for sharing with us.
    1. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      I removed the small patch ;)
    2. Wyrhta
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for taking the time to do it, RandomPal. :)
  10. yohannesjf
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Thanks a lot! Really cool!