About this mod
Choose a deity/saint by reading Variety of Faith, receive blessings as you level up
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

- removed edits to Daedra scripts for compatibility
This is a single module from Apoapse's much larger MMEN Gameplayer Overhaul mod. 99% of the credit goes to Apoapse!
I have stripped down Apoapse's excellent alternative chargen and re-integrated a single feature into the game: the ability to choose a patron god/saint.
When you read Varieties of Faith, you will be given a list of gods from which to choose your “patron”. That god will grant you special abilities at levels 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20.
The god you choose determines the 5 perks that you’ll receive; they are heavily based on the aspects of the gods
Is it compatible with OpenMW? YES
Is it compatible with Morrowind Rebirth? YES
Is it compatible with MTRByTheDivines? YES
Is it compatible with XYZ book replacer? YES (merge objects as usual)
While Vvardenfell is pretty open about faith and allows you to worship multiple deities, picking one divine patron gives tremendous advantages.
To offset this, and because the player has a privileged relationship with their chosen patrons, some forms of worship or quests become unavailable.
The All-Maker
- Easier to gain the Skaal's trust
- Lycanthopy automatically cured (cannot go the Hircine path)
The Anticipations
- Daedric quest from House of Troubles disabled
The House of Troubles
- Daedric quest from Anticipations disabled
- Cannot join the Temple
The Nine Divines (so including Talos)
- Cannot join the Temple
The Tribunal
- Cannot join the Imperial Cult
- Cannot join the Morag Tong
The Anticipations
- Rank #1 Dusk’s Cloak – Chameleon 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; disintegrate armor 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #2 Moon and Star – Charm 100 pts. on touch for 7200 seconds (power)
- Rank #3 Soul Rend – Soultrap on target for 120 seconds; Absorb Magicka 1 pt. on target for 120 seconds
- Rank #4 Twilight Matriarch – Summon Winged Twilight for 7200 seconds; Restore Health 2 pts. on self for 2400 seconds
- Rank #5 Dawn’s Embrace – Sun Damage 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Restore Health 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #1 Dismay – Demoralize Humanoid 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 30 seconds; Demoralize Creature 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 30 seconds (power)
- Rank #2 Boethiah’s Calling – Frenzy Humanoid 100 pts. in 50 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Frenzy Creature 100 pts. in 50 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Damage Magicka 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #3 Discipline – Bound Dagger; Fortify Agility 25 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Relentless Hunger – Summon Hunger for 7200 seconds; Spell Absorption 40 pts. on self for 2400 seconds (power)
- Rank #5 Drain Vitality – Absorb Health 20 pts. in 20 ft. on target for 25 seconds; Absorb Magicka 20 pts. in 20 ft. on target for 25 seconds; Absorb Fatigue 20 pts. in 20 ft on target for 25 seconds (power)
- Rank #1 Dusk’s Cloak – Chameleon 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; disintegrate armor 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #2 Many Hands – Fortify Attack 25-50 pts. (CE)
- Rank #3 Arms of Silk – Telekinesis 50 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Eighth Shadow of Murder – Bound Dagger for 7200 seconds; Chameleon 75 pts. on self for 2400 seconds (power)
- Rank #5 Marked for Death – Absorb Health 20 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Disintegrate Armor 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 60 seconds (power)
The Divines
- Rank #1 Secret of Strength – Restore Fatigue 100 pts. on self for 300 seconds (power)
- Rank #2 Akatosh’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Dragon’s Blessing – Slowfall 1 pt. (CE)
- Rank #4 Warrior’s Stance – Fortify Endurance 15 pts.; Restore Health 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 Break Time – Paralyze in 200 ft. on target for 15 seconds; Fortify Speed 50 pts. on self for 15 seconds; Damage Speed 1 pt. on self for 15 seconds
- Rank #1 Arkayn Cycle – Absorb Health 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds; Calm Humanoid 100 pts. on touch for 2 seconds; Calm Creature 100 pts. on touch for 2 seconds
- Rank #2 Arkay’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Expertise – Fortify Luck 15 pts.; Restore Fatigue 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Knock – Open 100 pts. on touch
- Rank #5 Bane of the Undead – Turn Undead 100 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Fire Damage 20 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Restore Strength 20 pts. on self for 60 seconds; Restore Endurance 20 pts. on self for 60 seconds; Cure Common Disease on self
- Rank #1 Natural Beauty – Fortify Personality 20 pts.; Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Dibella’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Glamour – Fortify Personality 200 pts. on self for 1800 seconds
- Rank #4 Natural Grace – Fortify Agility 25 pts.; Slowfall 1 pt. (CE)
- Rank #5 Light Touch – Feather 500 pts. (CE)
- Rank #1 Scholar’s Wisdom – Fortify Maximum Magicka 5 pts.; Fortify Intelligence 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Julianos’ Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Secret of Arcana – Fortify Magicka 500 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Restore Magicka 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Magefire – Fire Damage 5 pts. on target for 60 seconds; Absorb Magicka 5 pts. on target for 60 seconds
- Rank #5 Mage’s Blessing – Restore Magicka 8 pts. (CE)
- Rank #1 Kyne’s Peace – Calm Creature 100 pts. in 200 ft. on target for 2400 seconds (power)
- Rank #2 Kynareth’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Animal Allegiance – Command Creature 20 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds; Fortify Health 50 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds; Rally Creature 50 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Become Ethereal – Sanctuary 150 pts. on self for 20 seconds; Silence on self for 20 seconds; Invisibility on self for 20 seconds; Restore Health 2 pts. on self for 20 seconds; Restore Magicka 5 pts. on self for 20 seconds (power)
- Rank #5 Storm Call – Shock Damage 1-50 pts. in 100 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Damage Magicka 1-5 pts. in 100 ft. on target for 60 seconds (power)
- Rank #1 Natural Beauty – Fortify Personality 20 pts.; Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Mara’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Lover’s Kiss – Paralyze on touch for 10 seconds; Damage Fatigue 5 pts. on self for 10 seconds
- Rank #4 Allure – Charm 75 pts. on touch for 20 seconds; Calm Humanoid 100 pts. on touch for 20 seconds
- Rank #5 Hypnotic Gaze – Fortify Illusion 50 pts.; Fortify Speechcraft 50 pts. (CE)
- Rank #1 Secret of Strength – Restore Fatigue 100 pts. on self for 300 seconds (power)
- Rank #2 Stendarr’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Haven – Restore Health 10 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Humanoid 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Creature 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Sanctuary 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #4 Disarm – Disintegrate Weapon 1000 pts. in 15 ft. on target (power)
- Rank #5 Rebuild – Restore Health 2 pts.; Restore Magicka 5 pts. (CE)
- Rank #1 Natural Charisma – Fortify Personality 20 pts; Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Akatosh’s Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Pilgrim’s Path – Fortify Speed 50 pts.; Restore Fatigue 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Knock – Open 100 pts. on touch
- Rank #5 Thriftiness – Fortify Mercantile 200 pts. (CE)
The House of Troubles
- Rank #1 Brutish – Fortify Endurance 15 pts.; Fortify Health 80 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 March of Beasts – Summon Greater Bonewalker for 180 seconds; Summon Greater Bonewalker for 180 seconds
- Rank #3 Frost Breath – Frost Damage 300 pts. in 20 ft. on target; Damage Fatigue 3 pts. in 20 ft. on target for 90 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Stoneflesh – Resist Frost 100 pts.; Restore Fatigue 1-5 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 Dread Curse – Damage Strength 2 pts. on target for 60 seconds; Damage Endurance 2 pts. on target for 20 seconds; Damage Fatigue 2 pts. on target for 60 seconds
Mehrunes Dagon
- Rank #1 Dagon’s Boon – Fortify Strength 10 pts.; Resist Fire 35 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Dawn Breaking – Bound Dagger for 600 seconds; Shock Damage 30 pts. on target
- Rank #3 Fire Breath – Fire Damage 180 pts. in 20 ft. on target; Fire Damage 3 pts. in 20 ft. on target for 90 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Deadlands Thrall – Summon Dremora for 72000000 seconds
- Rank #5 Mythic Binding – Bound Mace for 60 seconds; Bound Shield for 60 seconds; Bound Helm for 60 seconds; Bound Cuirass for 60 seconds; Bound Gloves for 60 seconds; Bound Boots for 60 seconds
Molag Bal
- Rank #1 Brutish – Fortify Endurance 15 pts.; Fortify Health 80 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Blood of the Ancients – Absorb Health 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds; Absorb Magicka 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds; Absorb Fatigue 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds
- Rank #3 Soul Rend – Soultrap on target for 120 seconds; Absorb Magicka 1 pt. on target for 120 seconds
- Rank #4 Coldharbour Thrall – Summon Daedroth for 72000000 seconds
- Rank #5 Bend Will – Command Creature 100 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Command Humanoid 100 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds power)
- When receiving a perk from Sheogorath, you randomly gain one of the other perks of that rank instead (e.g. a Rank #1 Sheogorath player may receive Kyne’s Peace)
Tribunal Temple
- Rank #1 Waters of Life – Restore Health 200 pts. on self; Restore Health 200 pts. on touch (power)
- Rank #2 Almalexia’s Intervention – Almsivi Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Haven – Restore Health 10 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Humanoid 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Creature 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Sanctuary 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #4 Disarm – Disintegrate Weapon 1000 pts. in 15 ft. on target (power)
- Rank #5 Mother’s Hand – Rally Humanoid 100 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Restore Health 2000 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Fortify Health 150 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Fortify Strength 25 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Fortify Attack 50 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Shield 75 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Command Humanoid 10 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds; Command Creature 10 pts. on touch for 1800 seconds
Saint Nerevar
- Rank #1 Natural Charisma – Fortify Personality 20 pts; Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Moon and Star – Charm 100 pts. on touch for 7200 seconds (power)
- Rank #3 Expertise – Fortify Luck 15 pts.; Restore Fatigue 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Spirit of Nerevar – Fortify Fatigue 200 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 GodKiller – Bound Longsword for 10 seconds; Fortify Strength 200 pts. on self for 10 seconds; Fire Damage 5 pts. on self for 10 seconds
Sotha Sil
- Rank #1 Fabricated – Resist Poison 50 pts.; Resist Shock 25 pts.; Resist Paralysis 25 pts (CE)
- Rank #2 Sotha Sil’s Intervention – Almsivi Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Secret of Arcana – Fortify Magicka 500 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Restore Magicka 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Clockwork Workforce – Summon Fabricant for 72000000 seconds; Summon Fabricant for 72000000 seconds
- Rank #5 Rebuild – Restore Health 2 pts.; Restore Magicka 5 pts. (CE)
Saint Veloth
- Rank #1 Natural Charisma – Fortify Personality 20 pts; Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Veloth’s Word – Calm Humanoid 100 pts. in 50 ft. on target for 60 seconds
- Rank #3 Pilgrim’s Path – Fortify Speed 50 pts.; Restore Fatigue 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #4 Veloth’s Indwelling – Fortify Magicka 200 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 Judgement – Absorb Fatigue 1-1000 pts. in 10 ft. on target; Drain Agility 1-100 pts. in 10 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Fire Damage 1-1000 pts. in 10 ft. on target
- Rank #1 Scholar’s Wisdom – Fortify Maximum Magicka 5 pts.; Fortify Intelligence 10 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Vivec’s Intervention – Almsivi Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Haven – Restore Health 10 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Humanoid 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Calm Creature 100 pts. in 20 ft. on touch for 30 seconds; Sanctuary 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds
- Rank #4 Warrior’s Stance – Fortify Endurance 15 pts.; Restore Health 2 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 Hypnotic Gaze – Fortify Illusion 50 pts.; Fortify Speechcraft 50 pts. (CE)
The All-Maker
- Rank #1 Waters of Life – Restore Health 200 pts. on self; Restore Health 200 pts. on touch power)
- Rank #2 Pack – Call Wolf for 120 seconds; Call Wolf for 120 seconds; Damage Fatigue 1 pt. on self for 120 seconds
- Rank #3 Animal Allegiance – Command Creature 20 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds; Fortify Health 50 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds; Rally Creature 50 pts. in 15 ft. on target for 300 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Stoneflesh – Resist Frost 100 pts.; Restore Fatigue 1-5 pts. (CE)
- Rank #5 Bones of the Earth – Shield 50 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Resist Normal Weapons 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Resist Magicka 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Resist Fire 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Resist Frost 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Resist Shock 100 pts. on self for 30 seconds; Fortify Strength 20 pts. on self for 30 seconds (power; 20)
- Rank #1 Wrath of Sithis – Resist Frost 25 pts.; Resist Poison 25 pts.; Resist Normal Weapons 25 pts. (CE)
- Rank #2 Blood of the Ancients – Absorb Health 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds; Absorb Magicka 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds; Absorb Fatigue 2 pts. on touch for 60 seconds
- Rank #3 Discipline – Bound Dagger; Fortify Agility 25 pts. on self (CE)
- Rank #4 Dark Thrall – Summon Bonelord for 72000000 seconds
- Rank #5 Marked for Death – Absorb Health 20 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Disintegrate Armor 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 60 seconds (power)
- Rank #1 Dismay – Demoralize Humanoid 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 30 seconds; Demoralize Creature 100 pts. in 30 ft. on target for 30 seconds (power)
- Rank #2 Talos’ Intervention – Divine Intervention; Damage Health 10 pts. on self
- Rank #3 Fire Breath – Fire Damage 180 pts. in 20 ft. on target; Fire Damage 3 pts. in 20 ft. on target for 90 seconds (power)
- Rank #4 Ice Form – Frost Damage 2 pts. in 5 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Paralyze in 5 ft. on target for 60 seconds (power)
- Rank #5 Bend Will – Command Creature 100 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds; Command Humanoid 100 pts. in 25 ft. on target for 60 seconds (power)