About this mod
This mod overhauls the Fighters Guild questline by improving the background and narrative side of most of its quests, as well as adding more variety and new options to complete them.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

In vanilla Morrowind, the Fighters Guild is a very underwhelming faction. Despite having some interesting background such as having a deal with the Camonna Tong, the Fighters Guild suffers from a lack of unique and memorable quests and doesn’t expand on its most important themes. This mod aims to improve these aspects of the Fighters Guild and add more depth to the Guild's questline while staying close to its vanilla vision.
– Expansion of the narrative and gameplay aspects of most Fighters Guild quests while preserving their original ideas:
- More attention is brought to the Camonna Tong and the shady business they deal in. A few more quests are now connected to the Tong and their shadow war with the Thieves Guild, while vanilla quests received more depth and background.
- In contracts which aren't influenced by the Camonna Tong, other themes are brought to attention. They include the legitimacy of the Guild's contracts, the relationships between the Empire and natives and the Guild's contribution to establishing safety and justice on Vvardenfell.
- Several quests are redone from scratch to expand on the themes described above and be more various than simple bounty contracts.
– Fixes of many bugs and inconsistencies in the Fighters Guild questline:
- Fixes of dialogue mistakes, story inconsistencies, incorrect dialogue filtering and potential exploits.
- Expansion and revision of the most poorly implemented aspects of the Fighters Guild quests.
- Less technical conflicts between the Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild and between Sjoring's and Percius' endgame quests.
- Unique dialogue for players who belong to the Camonna Tong (if any of the CT faction mods is installed).
– More unique rewards for completing the quests: reputation points, unique artifacts and bonus rewards.
– New alternative solutions for a few quests influenced by the Camonna Tong. The mod tries to follow the vanilla vision of such quests, adding new options only where they make sense and don't ruin their original purpose.
– A complete revamp of the Fighters Guild endgame quests. While you still can defeat your targets by doing a plain murder, the new options of dealing with them demonstrate the weakness of the Empire, the reasons behind the alliance with the Camonna Tong and the personal motives of Percius Mercius and Sjoring Hard-Heart.
List of all changes made in the mod:
Eydis Fire-Eye, Balmora
- Integrated AliceL93's Thelas' Pillows Overhaul.
- Fixed Eydis' greeting not appearing during the quest.
The Egg Poachers
- Miners outside Shulk Egg Mine and Percius Mercius have more to say about the poachers.
- Miners outside the eggmine now lead you to Percius Mercius. Since informing the player of his existence was absent from the vanilla game, they could have easily missed the whole different story in the Fighters Guild.
The Telvanni Agents
- The agents no longer attack you if you bribed Eydis with the Bitter Cup.
- Fixed dialogue filtering regarding Eydis' bribe in this quest.
- Percius Mercius now gives a comment on this job.
The Code Book
- You are locked from joining the Thieves Guild immediately after Sottilde gives you the book.
- Restored Sottilde's dialogue for those who pickpocket the book. It didn't appear in the vanilla game due to incorrect dialogue filtering.
- Sottilde no longer gives you the book if you bribed Eydis with the Bitter Cup.
- Fixed dialogue filtering regarding Eydis' bribe in this quest.
- If you steal the book from Sottilde without talking to her or being detected, you'll receive no TG reputation penalty. This route seems to have been intended by the developers, but left unfinished.
Desele's Debt
- Raised the amount of debt money to 500 gold.
- Killing Manos Othreleth erases the debt.
- Speaking with Percius Mercius now unlocks new dialogue for Helviane Desele.
- Helviane Desele will reward you with 2 flasks of Telvanni Bug Musk if you help her get rid of the debt.
- It is not possible to convince Manos Othreleth to erase the debt. This is intentional.
Gra-Bol's Bounty
- Edited Eydis' dialogue, so the contract now comes from House Hlaalu. It should demonstrate that Hlaalu often rely on FG in shady/illegal jobs.
- Added an explanation why Dura gra-Bol stays in her house instead of laying low.
Alof and the Orcs
- Expanded Alof's and Eydis' dialogue about the Orcs.
- Alof now gives you better directions to Ashunartes.
The Verethi Gang -> Kill Caldana Viria
Eydis tells you to kill Caldana Viria, an Imperial agent wanted dead for espionage in Ald'ruhn. She tells you she fled to Pelagiad.
Pelagiad citizens tell you that she was captured by the Verethi gang in Mannammu. When you reach her, she attacks you, but later surrenders. You have the choice to kill her or to spare her life in exchange for a location of a smuggler stash in Ald'ruhn (a chest with ebony in Ilmiril's house (he's mentioned in the code book)) and no reward from Eydis. On Caldana Viria's body, you can find a note which explains that she's a Thieves Guild agent wanted dead for exposing the Tong's smuggler route in Ald'ruhn, and that the "Telvanni agents" were working for the Thieves Guild as well.
If you're a TG member, you can avoid fighting her entirely.
If you've joined the Camonna Tong, she will fight to death.
If you bribed Eydis with the Bitter Cup, the quest is skipped.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Clearing a bandit cave in the vanilla game was a generic bounty contract without any narrative purpose.
- This quest expands the ideas of "The Telvanni Agents" and "The Code Book" quests and brings more attention to the shadow war between the Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong.
- There was an unfinished quest involving Ilmiril, so I took the opportunity to use what remains of it.
Hunger in Sarano Tomb
- Eydis tells you that you can receive more precise directions at Fort Moonmoth.
- The Hunger was made as tough as the normal ones.
- If you retrieved Sarano Ebony Helm, Eydis will offer you 3000 gold for it. You can give her the helm or refuse.
Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, Vivec
Juicedaw Feather Ring
- Fixed a dialogue mistake regarding the client of the contract.
- The client was changed to Navil Ienith. The ring appears in his inventory after doing the quest. Giving the ring to Ranes Ienith is impossible due to engine limitations.
- Expanded Nar's dialogue about the ring.
Silence Tongue-Toad
- Disposition 60, speaking with Percius or TG membership is required to convince Tongue-Toad to leave town.
- Added unique latest rumors for Tongue-Toad before and during the quest. They appear only if Sjoring is alive.
- Lorbumol pays you only 250 gold if you keep Tongue-Toad alive.
Dro'Sakhar's Bounty
- If you speak with Dro'Sakhar, he will try to deceive you. You can speak with Percius Mercius to make sure he is lying.
Lirielle's Debt
- The quest topic no longer overlaps "Desele's Debt" quest.
- The client was changed to Nevos Urns in the No Name Club in Vivec. That was done because of an oversight in vanilla regarding Suvryn Doves (he was a TG member).
Vandacia's Bounty
- Speaking with Percius Mercius will unlock the option to refuse the contract.
- After a successful Taunt, Adraria Vandacia will call the guard to fight on her side.
Alleius' Bounty
- Speaking with Percius Mercius will unlock the option to refuse the contract.
- Any attempt to taunt Rufinus Alleius will give you 40 bounty.
- After killing Rufinus Alleius, Lorbumol will reward you with a unique Domination Ring.
Percius Mercius, Ald'ruhn
Necromancer in Vas -> Necromancers in Vas
- Restored a follower functionality for Ulyne Henim ("follow me" and "wait here" commands).
- Ulyne Henim is now a Temple member and has a Buoyant Armiger class.
- Ulyne Henim has more health. Daris Adram has more health and new spells (inspired by MDMD).
- If Ulyne Henim gives you a good review, she tells you about an abandoned shipwreck near Vas.
Ulyne Henim will give you a good review only if you don't figure out that the real reason behind the contract is weakening the Telvanni influence in the region.
There are 2 ways to do it:
1. Talk about the Necromancers being Telvanni
2. Ignore her advice to kill the Telvanni before dealing with Daris Adram
If you do any of them, Ulyne won't give you a good review.
Reasons behind the changes:
- The vanilla quest was very poorly implemented. Disposition-based reward system was not intuitive to the player, since this quest is fight-oriented. The Telvanni mages were peaceful to those who invade their tower. Moreover, they didn't have any unique dialogue during the quest. Ulyne Henim, a Buoyant Armiger, was a Fighters Guild member for some reason. Daris Adram used spells which blind him. All these aspects are fixed in the mod.
Beneran's Bounty -> Northern Tension
- The quest's background was rewritten. A distinguished client from Cyrodiil wants the Fighters Guild to destroy a group of Nordic mercenaries who might cause conflict with House Redoran. The mercenaries have a refuge in Sargon. You have to kill their leader and return back to Percius.
- Before the quest, Percius gives you two potions of Fortify Attack.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Instead of being a generic bounty contract, the quest now expands on the theme of confrontation between House Redoran and local Nords.
- The quest now demonstrates that even without the CT influence, the Fighters Guild is ready to do dirty work for some private interests if the client pays large enough money.
- Vanilla quest gives you contradicting information about the client of the contract (it is unclear if it's someone from Cyrodiil, Nordic sailors or House Redoran)
Bandits in Suran
- if Ilver Aralas is alive before the quest, you'll receive an optional objective: track him down and kill him in town for extra 250 gold. He's staying in Desele's House of Earthly Delights after making a slave trade deal.
- The quest now ends by talking with Percius Mercius.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Vanilla quest was another generic bounty contract
- The quest now demonstrates that Suran is a popular place for tourists and pilgrims as well as a major hub for slavers, which makes tracking down outlaws difficult
- The quest also shows that despite being an honorable man, Serjo Avon Oran cannot keep everything under control with large amount of visitors in town and his non-interference policy.
Flin to Elith-Pal -> Rescue Elith-Pal Supplier
Percius Mercius asks you to find Gabain Sinarde, a supplier to the Elith-Pal Mine who has not returned from his last delivery contract.
Asking in the Elith-Pal Mine will reveal that Sixth House creatures attacked the mine when Gabain Sinarde came there. Seeing that the Empire cannot protect the mine properly, he decided to search the local area for the Sixth House base to clear it and secure the mine himself. He ended up in a cave called Maran-Adon, having been forced to retreat.
After rescuing him, you can advise him what to do next: continue to explore the local area or report his discovery of a Sixth House base to Percius Mercius. The first option will result in him disappearing and a 500 gold reward. With the second option, he will return to the Fighters Guild, and you'll be rewarded with 500 gold and a bottle of brandy.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Vanilla quest was too frustrating. Another booze delivery is not what you expect from high-ranking assignments.
- The quest embraces the feeling of Vvardenfell as a dangerous and unexplored frontier.
- The quest demonstrates the weakness and instability of the Empire in remote areas.
Hrundi, Sadrith Mora
Battle in Nchurdamz
- Partially integrated SombreNeri's Larienna Macrina Race Fix (new race and disable after the quest).
- Removed "Larienna: " prefix from subtitles.
The Dissapla Mine
No changes
Berwen's Stalker
- Quest reward was decreased from 500 to 200 gold.
Tenim's Bounty
- The quest's background was rewritten. Rels Tenim murdered an Imperial Legionnaire who was spying on Aryon's activity in Tel Vos. You have to ask Tel Vos citizens about his location. Most of them will reveal it with high disposition.
- Quest reward was increased from 200 to 500 gold.
Reasons behind the changes:
- In the vanilla game, Rels Tenim and his gang were too powerful for a simple gang of thieves and murderers.
- The quest expands on the theme of Aryon's ambitions in Tel Vos and conflicts with the Empire they cause.
Sujamma to Dunirai
Hrundi now gives you more precise directions to the mine.
- Fixed a typo in Sondaale's note.
Engaer's Bounty
After Hrundi gives you the contract, he offers to discuss it with Percius. Percius explains that Hrundi is being blackmailed by Sjoring and the contract on Engaer is likely influenced by his middleman Nevrila Areloth, a CT member in Sadrith Mora. You can kill Engaer for 1000 gold or kill Nevrila Areloth (or both of them) for an enchanted piece of armor.
Reasons behind the changes:
- If you didn't complete Eydis' and Lorbumol's quests in the vanilla game, the topic of CT corruption came out of nowhere.
- The quest adds more information about Hrundi's relationships with Sjoring, which was absent from vanilla FG questline.
Pudai Egg Mine
- Added some rumours about the eggmine in Sheogorad Region.
- Deleted all burning torches in the eggmine. It is supposed to be abandoned.
Percius Mercius, Ald'ruhn (final quests)
Deal with Lorbumol gro-Aglakh
- Lorbumol no longer attacks you during the quest.
- Instead of killing Lorbumol, you can persuade Rufinus Alleius to arrest him with 90 disposition.
- The quest ends if you choose Sjoring's side.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Vanilla quest was just a plain murder without any proper setup.
- Now there is an actual gameplay reason to spare Adraria Vandacia's and Rufinus Alleius' lives.
- The quest now demonstrates that the Empire is afraid to confront the Camonna Tong, and that many of the Imperial authorities lie in Tong's pocket.
Kill Eydis Fire-Eye
Eydis doesn't attack you until certain stage of the quest.
Percius Mercius sent a report of Eydis' crimes to Nolus Atrius, the Balmora magistrate living in Andothren. His response was delivered to Radd Hard-Heart, a commander of Fort Moonmoth and Sjoring's brother. You have to take it from him. He gives you the letter, but promises to discuss it with Sjoring, which locks Sjoring's questline.
Being totally corrupt, Nolus refuses to investigate Eydis' crimes. Therefore, your only choice is to kill Eydis in Balmora.
Kill Hard-Heart
- You can discuss Sjoring's plans with him before you start fighting.
- Sjoring now wears his Steel armor and wields a unique hammer, inspired by MDMD.
- Lorbumol now attacks you if Sjoring is dead.
Reasons behind the changes:
- Sjoring has no reaction to the player's actions in the vanilla game
- Talking with Sjoring can make the player doubt that they are doing the right thing and make them understand that everything is more morally grey than they've been told.
- TG questline and a cut Sjoring's dialogue entry for the Master Thief demonstrate that Sjoring has some personal agenda against the CT and TG.
- Percius' and Stacey's dialogue indicate that Sjoring is one of the toughest fighters on Vvardenfell. Now he matches this description.
Sjoring Hard-Heart, Vivec (final quests)
Remove the Heads of the Thieves Guild
- Habasi, Aengoth and Helende don't talk to you if you have this quest active. Due to this, it's not possible to taunt them, so the money given by Sjoring become useful to pay your bounty.
- You are not promoted to Champion after doing this quest.
- The quest ends if you kill Sjoring or choose Percius' side.
Kill the Master Thief -> The Master Thief
- After completing this quest, you are promoted to Champion, Lorbumol attacks you, Percius' quests are locked and Hrundi leaves Vvardenfell with his lover.
- The quest ends if you kill Sjoring or choose Percius' side.
Instead of killing Jim Stacey, Sjoring asks you to offer him a deal: he sides with Sjoring in exchange for Sjoring's protection of the Thieves Guild during a future Imperial collapse.
- If you aren't a TG member, Stacey refuses it and attacks you
- If you are a TG member, he asks you to pretend you have become the new Master Thief to find out more about Sjoring's plans. As soon as Sjoring hears that, he attacks you. If you return to Jim Stacey, he attempts to kill you as well.
Reasons behind the changes:
- The quest now demonstrates Sjoring's personal motives that were hinted in the TG questline and cut Master Thief dialogue.
- It was hinted in the TG questline that Hrundi and his lover are going to escape from Sjoring's influence, so now they actually do it.
Payment from the Allies
You cannot start this quest if you joined the CT.
Sjoring asks you to receive a payment for killing the TG bosses from the Camonna Tong. The payment was delivered to Llaynasa Othran at Gro-Bagrat plantation.
Llaynasa Othran explains that there was no payment for the job, and that Orvas Dren wants to assassinate Sjoring since he outlived his purpose and may become dangerous for the Tong.
You have 2 choices with the same outcome:
1. Betray Sjoring, kill him and turn the Guild into a thrall of the Camonna Tong
2. Side with Sjoring and kill Llaynasa Othran. After you report back to Sjoring, he attacks you
The Master Thief: +2
Kill Hard-Heart: +3
The Necromancers of Vas: +1 (only if Ulyne Henim gives you a good review)
Northern Tension: +1
Bandits in Suran: +1
Gra-Bol's Bounty: +1
Alof and the Orcs: +2
Hunger in the Sarano Tomb: +1
Tenim's Bounty: +1
Sondaale: +2
Pudai Egg Mine: +1
Edited interior locations
Mannammu (Verethi Gang; 1 new NPC is added)
Suran, Desele's House of Earthly Delights (Bandits in Suran; 1 new NPC is moved there during the quest)
Ald-ruhn, Guild of Fighters (Flin to Elith-Pal; 1 new NPC is moved there after the quest)
Maran-Adon (Flin to Elith-Pal; 1 new NPC is added)
Pudai Egg Mine (Pudai Egg Mine; deleted all burning torches)
Pudai Egg Mine, Queen's Lair (Pudai Egg Mine; deleted all burning torches)
Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Warehouse (Vandacia's Bounty; replaced the Imperial guard to another one with a unique id)
Dunirai Caverns (Deal with Lorbumol gro-Aglakh; 1 new NPC is added)
Make sure to follow the installation and load order instructions described in readme files for all patches you use.
Global mods:
Patch for Purists - compatible.
Tamriel Rebuilt - compatible.
Cutting Room Floor - compatible if you load it before FGI.
MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens - a patch is available.
Quest Voice Greetings - a patch is available. The patch features new AI voice lines generated by dreughjiggers.
LGNPC - unknown.
Location mods:
Most landscape or city overhauls should be compatible with the mod. FGI doesn’t edit any exterior cells and keeps interior edits to minimum.
Beautiful Cities of Morrowind - compatible.
OAAB Grazelands - compatible.
OAAB Tombs and Towers - compatible.
Caldera Mine Expanded - compatible.
Mines and Caverns - compatible.
Morrowind Rebirth - unknown.
Quest/Faction mods:
Fighters Guild Questline Overhaul - incompatible.
Fighters Guild Redux - a patch is available.
Freelancer - incompatible.
Privileges And Services - compatible.
Reputation Fixes - compatible. Either use "Separated Reputation Fixes"version without the Fighters Guild plugin, or use a full version and load it before FGI.
The Pretty Reckless - compatible if you load it before FGI.
Quests for Faction Leaders - compatible if you load it before FGI.
Imperial Factions - compatible.
Thieves Guild Regained Trust - compatible.
Strike at the Camonna Tong - compatible.
Dura gra-Bol's House Reclaimed - And the Grab-All Gang - compatible if you load it after FGI.
The Vanilla Quest Tweaks RP Choices Consequences Super Mega Package - compatible.
TriangleTooth's Missing Characters - compatible. Use "No Nolus" version for consistency with FGI.
Balmora Guilds Expanded - compatible.
Bal Molagmer Add-on - a patch is available.
Thieves Guild Overhaul - a patch is available.
Quest Tweaks & Alternatives - a patch is available.
Camonna Tong faction mods:
Errands for Orvas - compatible.
Camonna Tong by Caeris - a patch is available.
Join the Camonna Tong by DD4n - a patch is available.
Mods that are already included or make similar edits (don't install them together):
Larienna Macrina Race Fix
Thelas' Pillows Overhaul
Vivec Fighters Guild Refuse Kills
Desele's Debt Money Tweaked
Sjoring Equipment Buffs
Other mods that overhaul the Fighters Guild quests will very likely be incompatible.
Feel free to report any incompatibilities with other mods or create compatibility patches.
zelazko’s Fighters Guild Questline Overhaul is currently the largest available Fighters Guild overhaul. Despite having some similarities in how we designed the final quests, our mods have different purposes and philosophy:
- FGQO introduces new options to complete the quests and new features such as ruling a Guild hall or siding with your bounty targets. This mod is rather fun-oriented and often deviates from vanilla style of quests for a better variety of available player choices.
- FGI is trying to expand on Morrowind's writing and bring more attention to the aspects underdeveloped in the vanilla game. It preserves vanilla quest structure and mostly focuses on improving the storyline, introducing alternative quest options only where they're the most suitable.
Stuporstar's Quest Tweaks and Alternatives is another mod which adds new options to complete the Fighters Guild quests. This mod is rather mage-oriented and adds less new content to the Fighters Guild than FGI and FGQO. The additions included in QTA are focused on inconsistency fixes and new quest solutions, especially for players who belong to multiple factions. The latest version of QTA is available here.
Douglas Goodall aka AFFA, one of Morrowind developers responsible for creating the original Fighters Guild questline (and most other faction quests), is currently working on a series of faction overhauls called AFFiliates_TG, _MG, _FG, _HH, etc. Make sure to check them out once they are released.
You can do anything you like with this mod as long as you credit me as the original creator. No permission is needed, but I would like to be informed of anything you do with my mod and might even be interested in participating.
Credits and thanks:
Bethesda Softworks – for creating Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon and the Construction Set.
Douglas Goodall aka AFFA – for creating the Fighters Guild questline in vanilla Morrowind.
Tamriel Rebuilt Team – for creating their Development Guides, Script Library and Fighters Guild write up (which is now very outdated, though).
zelazko – for creating Fighters Guild Questline Overhaul and for the permission to use some ideas and dialogues from his mod.
SombreNeri – for the permission to integrate Larienna Macrina Race Fix and for proofreading this mod’s dialogue entries.
AliceL93 – for the permission to integrate Thelas’ Pillows Overhaul and for suggesting ideas for Balmora quests.
GrumblingVomit – for creating Sensible Choices - Telvanni Agents, which partially served as an inspiration for my previous overhaul of this quest.
AutumnBramble – for creating MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens. Some of MDMD's changes were integrated into this mod.
Pharis, alexpublius, alvazir – for their help with compatibility patches.
dreughjiggers – for generating new AI voice lines for Quest Voice Greetings patch.