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About this mod

Have you ever wanted to travel with infamous modder Tel Shadow on your adventures? Well now you can!

Permissions and credits
Tel Shadow
The Companion!
(now featuring Terrako)

What is it?
To celebrate my friend and fellow modder, Tel Shadow, surpassing 1000 mods on Nexus as well as the anniversary of her modding server, I've added her to the game she's known most infamously for contributing to; The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
How do I use it?
Go to Divayth Fyr in the Hall of Fyr, talk interact with the Centurion spider, then talk to Divayth for more information.
  • Follows you in to battle!
  • Over 2 commands (3)!
  • Flirting!
  • Black and white skins to choice from, plus more planned!

  • Nethellus for his Dwemer Spider asset
  • Tizzo for his Tetra the Pack Guar companion code and additional coding support