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Remiros and Knots

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About this mod

*inhales sharply* Add Remiros' grass to RandomPal's patch of Emma and Teutonic's White Wolf of Lokken Mountain for Heart of the Velothi Team's Tomb of the Snow Prince Solstheim Overhaul. Wew. That's a mouth full.

Permissions and credits
UPDATE: You should use RandomPal's Landscape Overhaul for the White Wolf of Lokken Mountain instead. It includes grass generated by me! Don't use this with that, though - this grass is for the original moved Lokken ONLY.

White Wolf of Lokken Mountain
is a certified hood classic so I was very happy to find that RandomPal had patched it to work with HOTV's Tomb of the Snow Prince. Lokken's visuals are fairly dated, particularly when you run it next to TOTSP. Short of a full on overhaul of Lokken's landscape, I have generated a grass .esp using Remiros' settings for Yacoby's grass generator. I have also selectively mowed the grass to make sure paths and doorways are clear of the stuff.

For this grass release, I went the extra mile for OpenMW users. You shouldn't have any problems with GMSTs or dirty edits.

You still need to have Remiros' Groundcover installed to use this since I haven't included his grass assets, as well as the original Lokken, RandomPal's patch, and Tomb of the Snow Prince. All are listed as requirements so be sure you have them installed.