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Stav's Pelagiad keep is an amazing mod as it gives a unique and majestic model to the Pelagiad's fort (and also decorates the courtyard perfectly). The main issue with it was that it made the exterior and the interior of the fort very confusing to navigate, putting the main entrance on top of the left staircase instead of the front.
After I cleaned and fixed the fort, I decided to try to improve Pelagiad a little bit and started looking at what other modders have done with it. To my surprise, there isn't much. Part of this probably depends on the fact that Pelagiad is actually fine and there isn't much to improve or fix.
I still attempted to do something with it. I noticed that the imperial tower close to the fort's walls served actually no purpose while occupating an interesting spot.
I moved the tower to a different location and placed a new imperial house in its place. The house has been assigned to one of the npcs in Pelagiad that didn't have one and both the interior and the exterior have been properly decorated.
All in all, these changes should hopefully make Pelagiad a tad more unique, beautiful and detailed while keeping everything in-line with the vanilla experience.
NOTE There are no ground edits and the mod is compatible with every mod that adds stuff to Pelagiad (to my knowledge). I hope you enjoy the mod!