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About this mod

Gives player weakness to common diseases when at low health percentage and a slight resistance to common diseases when at half health or more health

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Part of May Modathon Month

Physical Wellness

A mod for TES3:Morrowind
by Stripes

What it does:

Gives player weakness to common diseases when at low health percentage
and a slight resistance to common diseases when at half health or more

The tiers:

Health %
>=90 Healthy - resist common disease 5
>=80 <90 Healthy - resist common disease 4
>=70 <80 Healthy - resist common disease 3
>=60 <70 Healthy - resist common disease 2
>=50 <60 Healthy - resist common disease 1
>=40 <50 Hurt - weakness to common disease 2
>=40 <30 Hurt - weakness to common disease 4
>=30 <20 Hurt - weakness to common disease 6
>=20 <10 Hurt - weakness to common disease 8
<10 Hurt - weakness to common disease 10