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Tel Shadow

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About this mod

This overhaul, Overhauls three Egg mines and maybe more in the future, Abaesen-PuluEgg Mine, Abebaal Egg Mine and Ahallaraddon Egg Mine adding clutter and more growth to the caves as well as abit of lighting.

Permissions and credits
Egg Mine - Clutter Monkey Overhaul
This overhaul, Overhauls three Egg mines and maybe more in the future, Abaesen-Pulu Egg Mine, Abebaal Egg Mine and Ahallaraddon Egg Mine adding clutter and more growth to the caves as well as abit of lighting.

Whats New and Added
-Improved Lighting 
-More Eggs
-Growth Look

-Abaesen-PuluEgg Mine
-Abebaal Egg Mine
-Ahallaraddon Egg Mine