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Team Balmora Bandits

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About this mod

This mod sets out to make Ald Velothi not so underwhelming like in Vanilla, enjoy two new large quests, a clutter touch up of the village as well as a basic clutter pass for the nearby daedric ruins.

Permissions and credits

Made for the 2019 Morrowind Modding Madness

This mod sets out to make Ald Velothi not so underwhelming like in Vanilla, enjoy two new large quests, a clutter touch up of the village as well as a basic clutter pass for the nearby daedric ruins. To begin the quests, ask about the latest rumors in Gnisis.

Requires the expansions and MWSE.

This will naturally be incompatible with anything that touches Ald Velothi exterior or the daedric ruins, as well as OpenMW due to mwse usage. 

The Balmora Bandits are
Lady Phoenix Fire Rose