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Author notes
The original textures are not mine, so please ask vonwolfe first, I am just uploading the modified textures
File credits
Original work Created by Lukkar and Von Djangos
Original Uploadi by: vonwolfe
View more of Lukkar's brilliant design work for Skywind at https://www.deviantart.com/lukkar/gallery/48995863/skywind
Credits Lukkar - mural designs for Skywind Myzel - fresco 12, the anticipations of Almalexia and Sotha-Sil
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A very small retexture for the wonderful Holy Art mod:
by Lukkar and Von Djangos and Uploaded by vonwolfe
I found the original art a bit too "crisp" for my taste and since my texture set is a bit dark and worn I decided to add more "age" to the textures to better mesh with the world.
Thanks to vonwolfe for letting me upload these.
You obviously need Holy Art installed first with its own textures and then just overwrite these textures manually in your Morrowind/Data/Textures folder with mine.
That is all!
View more of Lukkar's brilliant design work for Skywind at https://www.deviantart.com/lukkar/gallery/48995863/skywind
Credits Lukkar - mural designs for Skywind Myzel - fresco 12, the anticipations of Almalexia and Sotha-Sil