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About this mod

Brings Morrowind combat into the next generation!
100% chance to hit with all attributes and skills in the game are still useful with 100% hit!
Complete compatibility - no patches needed for weapon, race, NPC mods.
Unique and interesting weapon perks to make combat more interesting!
Works with ranged weapons and all NPCs/crea

Permissions and credits

Update: 1.2.2 is out! Fixes and improvements to perks. Most importantly Bleed damage causing crashes, Werewolf damage is now fixed and will do the same as it did in vanilla.

Please note when updating: if you already have an ngc.json with your configuration, an update will overwrite with the new one with new settings. You will either need to set these manually yourself if you choose to keep yours or delete your ngc.json file. It will appear in Overwrite in MO2 and can be deleted from there.

Important: Requires latest MGE XE and the latest MWSE 2.1 (if you already have MWSE installed, run MWSE-Update.exe inside your Morrowind folder to update it to the latest. This is NOT OPTIONAL, you NEED the latest MWSE).


  • 100% chance to hit (this can be toggled off and all other features will still be usable)
  • All attributes and skills in the game are still useful with 100% hit (See below)
  • Complete compatibility - no patches needed for weapon, race, NPC mods, etc. (Uses latest MWSE to not require editing records)
  • Unique and interesting weapon perks to make combat more interesting (See below)
  • Active blocking with fatigue drain and block perks (See below)
  • Customizable skill gain for weapons, armor and block (reduced by default to compensate for 100% hit)
  • More fast paced and engaging combat
  • Works with ranged weapons
  • Everything works for all NPCs and creatures the same, creating a uniform and balanced combat experience
  • Creatures have a unique damage scaling formula where the more Strength they have the more damage they do - this makes creatures a little more balanced with all the other changes
  • Rebalanced some vanilla fatigue and knockdown (attacks cost slightly more per hit now and knockdown is slightly harder to achieve without much higher damage)
  • Fully configurable with MCM UI

Attributes and skills

  • Weapon skill along with the weapon perks every 25 levels (see below), will now give a small damage boost equivalent to 20% extra damage at 100 (0.2% per level).
  • Fortify Attack will now give a damage bonus, 1pt is 0.5% more damage. Making Fortify Attack still very valuable!
  • Sanctuary now reduces the damage taken by instead. The more Agility and Luck you have the more effect Sanctuary will have. (Example: At 50 Agility and 30 Luck, a 30pt Sanctuary spell will give you 5% damage reduction. At 100 Agility and 70 Luck, 30pt Sanctuary is 15% damage reduction)
  • Blind will still reduce chance to hit, so you can still miss due to being blinded (you will see a message if you do). But this is far more understandable, if you are blinded, missing at point blank makes more sense. Miss rate at 1% per pt like vanilla, 30 pt Blind will cause someone to have a 30% chance to miss.
  • Fatigue will now reduce damage rather than hit chance, this is 20% less at zero fatigue by default.

Weapon perks

Weapon perks give you unique bonuses for each weapon at skill level 25, 50, 75 and 100.

Short blade

Short blades are about fast and deadly strikes, they now have a chance to Critical Strike (100% bonus damage) and can execute enemies with fatal damage when the enemy is low on health (<25% HP).

25 - 10% chance to Critical Strike
50 - 20% chance to Critical Strike
        50% Execute damage at low health
75 - 35% chance to Critical Strike
        100% Execute damage at low health
100 - 50% chance to Critical Strike
          150% Execute damage at low health

Long blade

Long blades are about precise swift attacks, they now Multistrike on each 3rd hit causing more damage, with a chance to to do double damage on that hit. As well as a chance to Riposte, causing 50% extra damage if you counter attack in time! Counter attack duration is 2 seconds by default.

25 - 10% bonus damage every on third hit
50 - 20% bonus damage every on third hit and 5% chance for double damage
10% chance to Riposte
75 - 35% bonus damage every on third hit and 10% chance for double damage
        15% chance to Riposte
100 - 50% bonus damage every on third hit and 20% chance for double damage
        20% chance to Riposte

Blunt weapon

Blunt weapons are naturally stronger against armored targets (doing bonus damage on hit the more armor an enemy has) and have a chance to temporarily stun the enemy with their brute force (paralyze the enemy for 1 sec).

25 - 5% chance to stun
50 - 10% chance to stun
0.2% bonus damage per point of enemy Armor Rating
75 - 15% chance to stun
0.25% bonus damage per point of enemy Armor Rating
100 - 20% chance to stun
  0.33% bonus damage per point of enemy Armor Rating


Axes will slash and tear the enemy causing bleeding (150% bonus damage over 3 seconds). Bleed can not finish off an enemy. 

25 - 15% chance to bleed
50 - 20% chance to bleed
75 - 25% chance to bleed
Bleed stacks up to 2 times
100 - 30% chance to bleed
  Bleed stacks up to 3 times


Spear is a tactical weapon with it you can maintain advantage by gaining Momentum (bonus damage per hit if you have more total percentage fatigue than your enemy) and a chance to gain Adrenaline Rush on hit (50pts Restore Fatigue for 3 seconds).

25 - 15% bonus damage per hit if you have Momentum
50 - 30% bonus damage per hit if you have Momentum
10% chance to gain Adrenaline Rush
75 - 45% bonus damage per hit if you have Momentum
20% chance to gain Adrenaline Rush
100 - 60% bonus damage per hit if you have Momentum
30% chance to gain Adrenaline Rush

Hand to Hand

Hand to Hand now only does half of the fatigue damage from vanilla. It is now a health damage skill like the other weapon skills, while retaining it's identity of knocking down the enemy with hard hits and doing bonus damage when the enemy is knocked down!

The base damage of hand to hand now scales with weapon skill tiers.

Knockdown chance is modified by enemy Agility, from 25% of base chance against very high Agility at a minimum and full knockdown chance at low Agility (<30). 

Important: Please use the Next Generation Combat - Hand To Hand Sound Fix.esp if you are using Hand to Hand feature.

0 - 2 - 3 base damage

25 - 3 - 4 base damage
5% chance to knockdown on hit
10% bonus damage to knocked down enemy
50 - 5 - 7 base damage
10% chance to knockdown on hit
10% bonus damage to knocked down enemy
75 - 8 - 11 base damage
15% chance to knockdown on hit
20% bonus damage to knocked down enemy
100 - 11 - 14 base damage
  20% chance to knockdown on hit
  35% bonus damage to knocked down enemy


Marksman perks are split into weapon types but all based on marksman weapon skill.


Bows favour long range and high damage but require patience, strength and accuracy. They now have the Full Draw ability which requires holding down the attack key for 3 seconds, once in Full Draw your fatigue starts to drain but you large bonus damage. 

If you reach low fatigue, your arrow will be denocked and you will lose Full Draw. Also you move slowly backwards while in Full Draw. If you Full Draw while in sneak, you also get a zoom to better aim at your target.

Finally, every bow hit can hamstring the target reducing movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds.

25 - 25% bonus damage on Full Draw
50 - 50% bonus damage on Full Draw
10% chance to Hamstring
75 - 75% bonus damage on Full Draw
15% chance to Hamstring
100 - 100% bonus damage on Full Draw
   20% chance to Hamstring


Crossbows favour short range and do more damage the closer your enemy (bonus damage in critical range of 800 units). And a skilled crossbow user has chance to instantly reload by triggering Repeater. 

25 - 10% bonus damage in Critical Range
50 - 15% bonus damage in Critical Range
20% chance to trigger Repeater
75 - 20% bonus damage in Critical Range
35% chance to trigger Repeater
100 - 25% bonus damage in Critical Range
  50% chance to trigger Repeater

Thrown weapon

Thrown weapons favour precise and deadly strikes by offering Critical Strikes (100% bonus damage), they also favour agile users (thrown weapon damage now scales from agility as well by 0.5% damage per Agility) and a more skilled user is capable of recovering more of their thrown weapons (up to 100%).

25 - 10% chance to Critical Strike
50 - 20% chance to Critical Strike
50% chance to recover
75 - 35% chance to Critical Strike
        75% chance to recover
100 - 50% chance to Critical Strike
  100% chance to recover

Active blocking

You can now raise your guard by pressing the block key (Z by default but this is configurable to another key or to right mouse button) to perform active blocking. Active blocking will drain fatigue as a percentage of your maximum fatigue, with lower amounts of fatigue drain at higher block levels. 

And you will drop your guard if your fatigue goes below 25% of maximum.


0 - 25% max fatigue drained per second
25 - 20% max fatigue drained per second
50 - 15% max fatigue drained per second
75 - 10% max fatigue drained per second
100 - 5% max fatigue drained per second

Skill experience gain

Experience gains have been adjusted for an always hit environment, weapon skills scale with weapon tiers and armor skills are a flat modifier.

Weapon skills including block

0 - 40% less experience gain
25 - 35% less experience gain
50 - 30% less experience gain
75 - 20% less experience gain
100 - vanilla experience gain

Armor skills

20% less experience gain

All these values are configurable, see configuration section below.


To install the mod, extract everything to your Morrowind Data Files folder or use a mod organiser like MO2. 

Activate both the .esp, they can be anywhere in your load order. (You need Hand to Hand Sound Fix.esp if you intend to use hand to hand feature)

Requires latest MGE XE and the latest MWSE 2.1 (if you already have MWSE installed, run MWSE-Update.exe inside your Morrowind folder to update it to the latest. This is NOT optional, you need the latest MWSE).

Work in progress

There's a few more things I want to do with this project, this is the order I'll be working on them in:

Some balancing and perk improvements:

  • New counter attack perk for Long blade
  • New perks for Staves


Completely configurable with the MCM UI now! Use it to configure everything.


0.1 - Initial release
0.2 - Refactored main to use damage event, this fixes issues with double hit sounds and collision/positioning issues
1.0 - 
  • Hand to Hand damage revamp added
  • Hand to Hand perks added and custom knockdown event
  • Added active blocking with fatigue drain and block perks
  • Slowed down skill gain and added customisation
  • No longer uses an ability for 100% hit instead use the calcHitRate event now so uninstalls are clean now
  • Increased knockdown GMSTs so that it's harder to knockdown and requires more damage
  • Increased fFatigueAttackMult slightly so that attacks drain a small amount of fatigue now to compensate for always hit
  • Increased Axe chance to bleed at lower tiers and increased bleed damage to 35% per stack (it felt a little weak compared to others)
  • Reduced Blunt weapon chance to stun as it felt a little too strong with fast blunt weapons (this should be reworked to have a stun immunity later)
  • Always hit can now be toggled on and off as well as few other new features
1.1 -
  • Added MCM UI for configuration
  • Added damage reduction from low fatigue
  • Increased fFatigueAttackBase by 1 and fWeaponFatigueMult to 0.5
  • New perk for short blade, replaced Weakness to Weapons with Execute damage
  • Toggle for hand to hand perks, GMSTs and skill gain features
  • Added right mouse click option for active blocking
  • Fix for double sound bug with hand to hand
  • Fix for hand to hand experience bug
  • Fix for bleeding crash
1.2 -
  • Added Marksman perks (bow, crossbow and thrown)
  • Fixed issue with MCM Ui not saving fields (sanitizing strings as numbers on save)
  • Fixed sanctuary/fatigue fields saving to the right value
1.2.1 -
  • Fixes werewolves doing no damage, they should do the same damage as vanilla now
  • Hand to Hand now does 50% of it's vanilla fatigue damage instead of none (required for werewolf fix), Hand to Hand perks were nerfed slightly to compensate
  • Increased bleed damage from axes to 150% damage over 3 seconds but stacks up to 3 times now
  • Longblade gained a new perk, Riposte! You now have a chance to counter attack when you get hit.
1.2.2 -
  • Fixes bleeding from crashing by no longer ticking if the enemy is going to die
  • Moved all .esp fixes for Hand to Hand feature to Hand to Hand Fixes.esp (This is required for Hand to Hand)

Support and credits

This is a very early release, I have tested it as much as I can but if there are any bugs, please feel free to contact me on here or on the Morrowind Modding Community discord (just @ me or DM me directly, Aracelliy). If you have any balancing suggestions, also very welcome!

Thanks to the wonderful people at the Morrowind Modding Community discord for helping me learn the new Lua in MWSE and ofcourse the whole MWSE development team, great work!

And thanks to my amazing partner Ash for consulting on mechanics and supporting me in my hobby!