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Stuporstar and Merlord

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About this mod

We all know Drarayne Thelas loves her pillows, but is it possible for her to take her love too far? Yes. Eighteen body pillows are hidden across the world that are yours for the taking (they have no ownership because no one will admit the body pillows belong to them).

Permissions and credits

Eighteen body pillows are hidden across the world and are yours for the taking (they have no ownership because no one will admit the body pillows belong to them).
No hints, only being aghast to learn how secretly desperate your favorite Morrowind characters are for a cuddle.
The obvious body pillows are there, of course, and hopefully a few slightly less obvious ones.

This mod has a PG-13 rating, with fully clothed pillows, because let's not go there.

The base mod is unscripted, because I wasn't going to waste my time on vanilla scripts for this. Instead Merlord wasted gobloads of time scripting them into carriable companions for total sadsacks:
  • Buff yourself by cuddling the pillow. You get a different buff for every pillow, and in the MCM you can specify for how many hours before you need to cuddle your special friend again.
  • Flip the pillow over.
  • Clean your pillow when it gets gross from all your weaboo drool - yes, you need a water source to do this, and don't forget to wash the legs.
  • Turn off all the features in the Mod config Menu, for when you've been made thoroughly sick of yourself and need an intervention.

All assets were shamefully made by me, and Merlord is to blame for the scripting.

Aleist3r’s Pillar Man Vivec pose was used for Vivec, because all his original poses were too large to fit on a pillow.