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Tel Shadow and Caeris

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About this mod

A new adventure awaits any noble Mages Guild members ready to face the king of worms.

Permissions and credits
  • Polish
King of Worms

-Part of the Morrowind May Modathon 2019-


Have you ever wondered where Mannimarco was during the events of Morrowind? Or how even returned after achieving godhood during the Warp in the West?This mod seeks to provide an answer to these two questions.

King of Worms is a quest and dungeon mod that adds a short side mission to the Balmora Mages Guild. This quest will send you on a dangerous journey to seek out Mannimarco on Vvardenfell... if he even is on Vvardenfell. 
- A new lore-friendly quest.
- A greatly expanded Savel Ancestral Tomb.
- An opportunity that bridges two games together.

To begin: Talk to Ranis Athrys in Balmora at level fifteen as a Mages Guild member. If you are a high enough rank she will also give it to you.
Also, this mod is compatible with Morrowind Rebirth, but you have to also use the patch .esp provided in the archive.


Caeris - Quest Writer
Heinrich - Robe Creator
Tel Shadow - Dungeon Designer