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idk me

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About this mod

When you drink bottles/flasks/jugs of water you get empty bottles/flasks/jugs back. It also makes the various drinks like Sujamma give you back empty bottles/jugs with the larger ones giving back jugs you can then fill with water.

This is made for Destructor36's mod The Bare Necessities: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43365/

Permissions and credits
When you drink bottles/flasks/jugs of water you get empty bottles/flasks/jugs back. It also makes the various drinks like Sujamma give you back empty bottles/jugs with the larger ones giving back jugs you can then fill with water.

This is made for Destructor36's mod The Bare Necessities: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43365/

These drinks give you back an empty bottle when you drink them:
Ancient Dagoth Brandy

Cyrodilic Brandy

Dagoth Brandy


Nord Mead

Vintage Brandy

Bottle of Water

These drinks give you back an empty jug when you drink them:




Jug of Water

These drinks give you back a empty flask when you drink them:

Flask of Water