About this mod
Near the outside of 'Desele's House of Earthly Delights' in Suran you may find an inebriated scrib with a crude sense of humor and a chip on his shoulder. Why you would choose to associate with him is anyone's guess.
For May Modathon.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This is my one (and only) major modathon entry in this year's Morrowind May Modathon. I genuinely hope you all enjoy!

Golden Urscar, gifted by DarkElfGuy of Morrowind Modding Showcases, as voted by the community!

If you are updating from a previous version, make sure to delete the
Data Files/MWSE/lua/VabaAmus
Vaba-Amus is a scrib. A degenerate shell of a creature on the fringe of depression and melancholy. A man who has fallen into the depths of depravity. A good potential drinking buddy!
In Vaba-Amus, you will not find a combat challenge. Instead, you will face the trials of dealing with an addled scrib whose daily life is filled with strange and unusual happenings. You will not find a massive, province-spanning quest to save all of Vvardenfell here: indeed, most of the quests in this mod take place in the trade city of Suran. This mod is more social than combat-oriented, so beware!

Requires Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE) and Morrowind Code Patch (MCP). Morrowind Graphics Extender XE (MGE XE) is recommended for a certain feature (Warp shader) to work.
This mod ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES the "Service Refusal Filtering" patch in Morrowind Code Patch to function properly.
See the image included in the archive for instructions on installing the warp shader.
This mod requires the newest version of MWSE. Get it in the download link below. Outdated versions of MWSE will not work.

This mod includes:
♥ A talking scrib companion who will willingly accompany you on your travels, due mostly to the fact that he doesn't have a job and has nothing better to do. ♥
♥ New companion interface, wherein like the "Companion Share" feature in Tribunal you may select various options in the primary dialogue options area. ♥
♥ The ability to carry your companion in your inventory wherever you go. ♥
♥ The capacity to store your companion in containers, including the trash. ♥
♥ The potential to let your companion ride on your head. ♥
♥ The capability to have your companion at any time mount a terrible beast of gluttonous wrath and fury (After a certain quest). ♥
♥ A companion that will sometimes comment about quests during your travels, reacting to the current situation appropriately.. ♥
♥ Greatness7's revolutionary companion scripts. You can't lose Vaba-Amus, even through COC! ♥
♥ A major questline involving Vaba-Amus and the denizens of Suran that spans ten varied quests. ♥
♥ (OPTIONAL) voice acting breathed from the mouth of a great warrior-poet! ♥
♥ An experience rich in flavor and attention to small details, perhaps at the detriment of the big picture as a whole. ♥
♥ 1 Hour of heart-wrenching, soul-searching, bosmer-impregnating content! ♥

FINDING VABA-AMUS: To find Vaba-Amus, simply travel to Suran and look around the exterior of "Desele's House of Earthly Delights". You'll find him in the alleyway to the right of the entrance.

NOTE: Vaba-Amus in "mounted" form is rather finnicky inside, but I've allowed him to enter interiors to allow for player freedom. However, I highly recommend having him dismount before entering small corridor buildings.

MementoMoritius for Vaba-Amus' unique model.
Greatness7 for scripting and idea crafting.
EnclaveKiller for "Scrib Hole" and "Head"
MelchiorDahrk for "Scrib hole texture".
Polydeuces for "DOOMSIGIL holy book"
Halbe for the voice of Vaba-Amus.
Remiros for "Scrib Staff"
Trevor Lentz for "The Void", used as the DOOMSIGIL theme. https://opengameart.org/content/the-void

Version 1.1: Reduces file size by 74.4 MB, fixes an unfinished journal entry, fixes a bug with the voiceovers.
Version 1.2: Added mash compatibility, fixed typo, moved files to Docs, renamed the readme.
Version 1.3: Fixes the mod after the newest LUA update.
Version 1.4: Fixes a Main Quest breaking bug.