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About this mod

The Temple is now issuing rewards for those who kill blighted creatures. The rewards can be collected by visiting one of the three specialized Temple representatives either at Molag Mar, Maar Gan or Ghostgate (Tower of Dusk).

Permissions and credits
Disclaimer: I am not the creator of this mod. I'm simply posting it to NexusMods to keep it from disappearing from the internet.
I provide no support for bugs or other issues with this mod.

Note: This mod was cleaned with tes3cmd before uploading to NexusMods.

Mod mirrored from http://mw.modhistory.com/download-90-5935
Version: 1.01-f1  |  Added: 2011-10-11  |  Last Edited: 2011-10-11

      Blight Bounties 1.01-f1
by Ivza

  A plugin for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

1. Installation
2. Playing the plugin
3. Savegames
4. Removal
5. Changes
6. Version history
7. To do list
8. Credits
9. Contact info

     1. Installation
To install the plugin, unzip the files into the 
Morrowind/Data Files directory. The plugin was created with 
v1.6 of Morrowind. No other master files but Morrowind's should
be required.
The files required to play the plugin: 
Blight Bounties.esp
As always, MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR SAVE GAME before starting the
game with this or any other new plugin.

     2. Playing the plugin
From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box 
next to the "Blight Bounties.esp" file.
The Temple is now issuing rewards for those who kill blighted 
creatures. The rewards can be collected by visiting one of the 
three specialized Temple representatives either at Molag Mar, 
Maar Gan or Ghostgate (Tower of Dusk).
Creature nameBounty (septims)
Ascended Sleeper200
Ash Ghoul170
Ash Slave100
Ash Zombie100
Blighted Alit50
Blighted Cliff Racer60
Blighted Kagouti55
Blighted Kwama Forager15
Blighted Kwama Warrior70
Blighted Kwama Worker70
Blighted Nix-Hound55
Blighted Rat20
Blighted Scrib5
Blighted Shalk35
Corprus Stalker150
Lame Corprus160 

     3. Save Games
I haven't tested how save games work after the removal of the
plugin, so consider yourselves warned.

The removal of the plugin is done by removing the following 
Blight Bounties.esp

This section is a technical description of what the mod adds or
All new scripts/globals/NPCs/whatnot are prefixed with
The new journal entries are prefixed with "_IVZA_06_".
I have attempted only to add new references in cells. No original
game object has been modified.

     6.Version history

v1.01-f1 [Jan 16th 2005]
A scripting bug caused the dialogue to loop if the only creature
you were going to get rewarded for was corprus stalker.

v1.01 [Aug 8th 2004]
Minor tweaks to prices on creatures.
First version uploaded to other sites.

v1.0 [Aug 8th 2004]
First non-beta release.

     7.To do list
Known issues:
- none

All work by me, except for the bounty payment script, which was
almost a direct copy from IndyBank's depositing script.

     9. Contact info
Feedback? Great ideas? You can contact me by sending email to 
ivza1400 (at) hotmail (dot) com
The webpage for the plugin is 
- Ivza