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The Mythical Beasts

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About this mod

Unbeknownst to all, the 6th House spreads its tentacles to Solstheim. When a few difformed creatures are spotted on the island, you are called to investigate and eradicate this new threat across 3 dungeons.

Permissions and credits

––––––The Mythical Beasts: LadyPhoenixFireRose, kiramarshiku, Pseunomix, and Danae

––––––❧ Unbeknownst to all, the 6th House spreads its tentacles to Solstheim. When a few deformed creatures
–––––––––are spotted on the island, you are called to investigate and eradicate this new threat across 3 dungeons.

––––––❧ Their lairs are scattered on the island. Each 6th House base holds clues to find the next.

––––––❧ Even some study Nords have been affected. Destroy the Ash Idols, last remnants of Ur's power to cure them.

––––––❧ Protected by twisted tunnels and traps and a few puzzles.

Version 1.1 : Reworked levelled lists (Thanks Abot!)