About this mod
This small mod adds a Mages' Guild hall to Dagon Fel.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Dagon Fel - Mages Guild
by Utseeva
1. Description
2. Showcase Video
3. Installation/Uninstallation
4. Incompatibilities
5. Change-log
6. Known Bugs and Issues
1. Welcome to my very first mod!
This is a small mod, which adds a Mages Guild hall to Dagon Fel.
It has all the necessary services of a Mages' Guild hall:
- Hatrok - Alchemist
- Aurina Montris - Spellmaking and Selling
- Argud gro-Grund - Enchanting
- Ehtra - Training in Heavy Armor(70), Destruction(67), Alteration(64)
- Shnotri - Training in Conjuration(60), Illusion(52), Unarmored(49)
- Izarro Spark-Eye - Guild Guide [NEW]
2. Showcase video, made by Danae123! Very much appreciated! [OUTDATED]
3. Copy and paste the "Utseeva's_DagonFel_MagesGuild.ESP" file into the Data Files folder, inside your Morrowind root folder.
To remove the mod, simply delete the "Utseeva's_DagonFel_MagesGuild.ESP" file in your Data Files folder.
4. This mod is most likely not compatible with mods, that change Dagon Fel.
(Examples: More Detailed Places - Dagon Fel, Morrowind Rebirth, DagonFelUpdated)
There is a compatible version for Epic Dagon Fel. (only for 1.2)
Version 1.3.2:
- Fixed the "duties" dialogue option for Ehtra. She no longer talks about herself in third person.
- "Khajiitified" a few dialogue lines for Izarro Spark-Eye.
Version 1.3.1:
- Fixed an issue causing MGE XE to not work properly.
Version 1.3:
- The guildhall is now in a more appropriate location. (The well had to be moved a little bit)
- Added Izarro Spark-Eye, the guild guide. He can teleport you to Balmora, Caldera, Vivec and Ald'ruhn.
- Revamped the living quarters. (Removed the personal chests and the Silver Staff of Hunger)
- Minor changes to inventories. (Argud and Shnotri have had their wardrobes updated.)
- Spells have been switched up. Argud and Shnotri now have their own custom spell.
- Unnecessary dialogue removed.
- Minor clutter changes.
Version 1.2:
- Added a fireplace with a chimney.
- Added Enchanting function to Argud.
- Added the Mages' Guild sign outside.
- Added the Silver Staff of Hunger to the upper floor.
- Added more clutter.
- Added pathgrids and fixed pathgrids outside.
6. If you find any bugs, please report them to me.