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By Melchior Dahrk
Version 1.0

Participate in an epic Hot and Cold Search & Find Adventure
Blast your enemies with a Dwemer Waffle Launcher
Beat down your nemesis with a Waffle Iron
Decorate your grandmother's old hutch with Dwemer Breakfast Plates, Forks, and Knives
Boost your abilities and dress your favorite breakfast cakes with Dwemer Syrup
Summon powerful Waffle Centurions to aid you in battle
Meet the original Chief Dwemer Waffleer
Talk waffles with the greatest minds and personalities in Morrowind!
Find new loot in Dwarven Ruins!
Eat waffles!
Throw waffles!
Shoot waffles!
Wear waffles!

Step 1: Choose a mod version

Quest Version: Waffle Warfare.ESP
> Travel to Tel Branora and speak with the Mistress of the Tower

Cheat Version: Waffle Warfare_CHEAT VERSION.ESP
> Check the barrel behind Elone's Counter in Arrille's Tradehouse

Step 2: Copy files to Data Files folder

This includes the Meshes, Textures, and Icons folders and the ESP file that you selected in Step 1

Step 3: Merge leveled lists

Instructions using tes3cmd:
> In the command window (CD to the Data Files directory), enter "tes3cmd multipatch"
> See the tes3cmd documentation to see other features of the multipatch:

Step 4: Activate the mod in your Mod Organizer of choice

Step 5: ???

Step 6: WAFFLES!

If you chose to use the quest version of the mod, travel to Tel Branora and speak with Mistress Therana to start your adventure!

If you're a cheater and selected the CHEAT VERSION, just check the barrel behind Elone's counter in Arrille's Tradehouse.

Moranar - for the BB dwarven robes
Nioliv - for the base BB mesh that Moranar worked off of
Saint_Jiub - for the hands used on the specters

You are free to use anything in this mod for anything you want in TES3: Morrowind. I like to know when my stuff is being used, so send me a note if you do, please! You don't have to or anything... but I will find out...

Note: This section is pretty much safe to read once you've discovered the Dwemer Waffle Launcher. Aside from helping with that, it just tells you who, specifically, will now talk about "waffles".
Keep going for spoilers...
Just a little further if you really want them!
> The plate you get from Therana leads you to Nchurdamz

> The Dwemer Waffle Launcher is located behind the knocked over table in the final chamber of Nchurdamz with the giant crystal

> The people who now talk about waffles are: Trebonius, Divayth Fyr, Vivec, Hasphat Antabolis, Neloth, Fargoth, Crassius Curio, Creeper, Mudcrab Merchant, Almalexia

> The Dwemer Waffleer Ghost in Nchurdamz reacts to the Battle at Nchurdamz FG quest