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About this mod

This mod completely overhauls the Dremora in Morrowind, making them more like they are in Oblivion - that is, divided into seven ranks. I have also changed their weapons to inferior versions of the daedric ones. This makes daedric weapons a lot more scarce on Vvardenfell, as they should be.

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  • Polish
This mod completely overhauls the Dremora in Morrowind, making them more like they are in Oblivion - that is, divided into seven ranks. I have also changed their weapons to inferior versions of the daedric ones. This makes daedric weapons a lot more scarce on Vvardenfell, as they should be. All Dremora variants have unique meshes, and the named Dremora (Krazzt, Anhaedra, Gothren's Guards etc) have all been given new meshes as well.

List of Dremora ranks and the level at which they will appear:

Dremora Churl - Level 6
Dremora Caitiff - Level 9 (replaces Dremora)
Dremora Kynval - Level 12 (replaces Dremora Lord)
Dremora Kynreeve - Level 15
Dremora Kynmarcher - Level 20
Dremora Markynaz - Level 30
Dremora Valkynaz - Level 40


- The Tamriel Rebuilt add-on is now built into the main .esp, fixing a bunch of errors caused by changes to the TR levelled lists since this mod was made. If you are upgrading from an old version, please delete 'Ranked Dremora - TR Addon.esp'.


- Created new meshes for the Dremora Churls.
- Removed the three classes for each rank (Warrior, Archer, Mage). Now rank = class, so Churls, Caitiffs and Kynvals are Warriors, Kynreeves are Mages, Kynmarchers are Archers, and Markynaz and Valkynaz are Champions. This has dramatically cut down the amount of IDs.
- Dremora no longer spawn in groups.
- Increased the toughness of the Dremora Markynaz and Valkynaz.
- Removed the .esm dependency from the Tamriel Rebuilt addon, so it should work with
  any version.