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About this mod

Adds in missing voice files for Yagrum Bagarn and Vivec.

Permissions and credits
  • Polish
Both Vivec and Yagrum Bagarn have voices. However, for whatever reason, Bethesda did not include these voice files in the game. They exist, but are not in.
This mod rectifies that, and adds in their missing voices. Yagrum now greets the player, will ramble when not doing anything else, and screams horribly when you murder him, you monster.
Vivec will now greet the player, also ramble, and throws various taunts at the player should you choose to fight him.

Please note that both mods add activators to the Corprusarium Bowels and Vivec's palace. Most mods should be compatible with these mods, but just in case, any mod that modifies those two cells should load after Voiced Vivec and Yakety Yagrum

All sound credits go to Bethesda. I just made the scripts.
If you want to use pieces of this mod for whatever reason, that's fine. Just credit me and give me a heads up, I always like to see what people do with my mods.