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King Hlaalu Helseth

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About this mod

Replaces the \"old heads\" found in Tamriel Rebuilt maps 1 & 2.

Permissions and credits
This mod will replace the meshes of some faces featured in Tamriel Rebuilt. The faces that are replaced were made by the TR team using faces from the original game (maybe slightly altered). So, if you have Better Heads, this will keep everyone's face consistent when visiting the mainland.
This mod can also stop errors (such as yellow diamond exclaimation marks).

Examples of Faces changes:
Off the top of my head, I know the lead archeologist in Kemel-Ze and Master Mithras got replaced, among many others.

Tamriel Rebuilt Mapa 1 and 2
Better Heads

All credits go to the Better Heads creators, I just put them in Tamriel Rebuilt.