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Created by

King Hlaalu Helseth

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About this mod

Enhances the Textures on Sotha Sil (god).

Permissions and credits
This mod with enhance the resolution of the god, Sotha Sil, from the Tribunal expansion. it doubles the resolution of the textures. (From 512 to 1024)


Just extract the folder into your Morrowind/Data Files.
It will replace the texture "tx_sothasilgod" so if it asks you if you want to replace, click Yes.

On the lack of Images:
There are no images because he looks the same as usual just clearer, sharper and with a higher resolution.

Credits/Using in other Mods:
All credit goes to King Hlaalu Helseth.
You can use this in your mod or upload it anywhere else just give credit to King Hlaalu Helseth.