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About this mod

A lute that you can see strapped across your character\'s back

Permissions and credits
Modder's resource- uses the lute mesh from in-game and applies it to a pauldron mesh so that you can see it over your back in-game (same concept as the weapon sheaths mod). Nothing special about it, it doesn't let you play music or anything of the sort, it's for aesthetics only.

Included demo .ESP sets the lute to the left pauldron slot and gives it the same stats as a chitin pauldron. To get it in-game, use the console command additem "lute pauldron" 1.

As I said, this is a modder's resource, so no need for permission, just credit me if you do use it.
Version 1.1 includes a bard-y hat I cobbled together using the cap from Renaissance Clothing and the exquisite skirt texture from Better Clothes. I haven't included the texture, so you need Better Clothes to play this. You don't need the .ESP enabled, just the textures. This is not a resource since the textures are from another mod.

You can see a screen of the hat here.