The Symphony Dark Brotherhood Armour GIF

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Catching up once again . . . Fabulous set of images, Psi, and for some reason your title clicked on Symphony of Destruction by Megadeath in my head. Yah, I'm a weird cat making weird free floating associations. The landscape shots are drop dead gorgeous!
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos

      How has your summer been? Mine has been relaxing and I'm eating and drinking lots but mostly sleeping and taking in the sun. Lots of swimming and now that I have my energy back I plan on doing some shopping. I need some new flip flops
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    I haveequite no knowledge about Morrowind , but I always enjoy your pictures and I'm absolutely sure,that I will never reach your high quality level
    It is pure joy
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Thanks BM, I'll be back in 2 weeks and we can chat then.
  3. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    cool armor.
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      I know eh?
  4. Naufragous77
    • premium
    • 70 kudos
    Great pics as always! Is the one shot that's underwater, is that a shader or an ini tweak to get it to look sea-green?
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      It's all that and more

      It is the underwater ini tweak I gave you, it is the ENBPalette shader by phal and it is my Colour Mood Palette. What other shaders I was using I can't remember. I have worked all night on Fri and now on Sat on my new palettes. I'm on to something huge and they just need some final tweaks. They will bring Phal's ENBPalette shader to the next generation.

      Here's a peek

      This chocolate beauty could easily be in Oblivion and even vanilla Skyrim!

      I have also drastically improved my Purple HaZe Palette and because of that my entire Palette mod with be repackaged as soon as these are play tested. These are so good that I can't see myself making any more palettes.
    2. Naufragous77
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      Amazing work! I look forward to it And you're right, this is bordering on Oblivion/Skyrim levels.
    3. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Thank you Corsair83 for all your support. Even I am taken aback at how good my new palettes are looking. In truth, I have learned so much from each release and from the experimental palettes that I included like the Orange Crush and Fantasia palettes.

      People actually down voted my Fntasia palette on youtube! hahahah No worries, they didn't understand why I included it. Besides the fun factor it was a huge learning experience. If people bothered to examine the palette they could have deduced what part of the palette was effecting the sky, water, mid distance and right in front of the screen. I actually have measured it and I am using what I have learned in making these Next Generation palettes.

      I actually did something I thought was impossible. I drastically improved on the Purple HaZe Palette. It was something I have been trying to do since I first released it and it was only possible because of the Fantasia experimental palette.

    4. Naufragous77
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      Your palettes are something that has to be experienced to fully appreciate and understand. I'd still like to see one of your palettes used as a skooma effect shader. The rainbow effect is perfect for it
    5. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      That would be fun. The Crayola and Painter's Palette (another experimental palette that was never released) would work marvellously.

      I am going to post one more time with a larger preview. It will be my last upload of pics for the time being. June is my end of fiscal year and last month of work before the summer vacation schedule kicks in so I will be working many 14 hour days with a month off in July as the prize! That's when I go off the grid and chill out in the country with my dogs and family. Almost there

      ...besides, I'm sure people are sick of me around here
    6. Naufragous77
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      Hey, we all need a break! But I look forward to the new posts, even with the delay from real life; after all, your post always are creative, so there's always that to look forward too. I've been busy as well, and only have time to play a few hours here and there, but I hope to release bigger projects in the coming months, once things settle after the Summer season.
  5. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 231 kudos
    Noise can be used to create the illusion of sharpness In photography, is that what your doing with some of the shots you mentioned?

    The armor with the purple eye is the stand out of those I think, very unique.

    As far as the shots, I do like these two:

    The first one has a trippy ripple pattern in the sky on top of being a really cool shot and the second one, well I love those type of shots.
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Hey ya raccy, the first picture was taken with my Colour Mood Palette (named after and not to be confused with one of my favourite shaders, the colour mood shader.) If you look at the palette you will notice that I added a type of noise to it and that is what produces the funky lines in the sky. If you look closely the lines are in all the pics. This palette really shines during dusk and dawn where those lines disappear. I guess I can reproduce the palette without the noise but then it would be boring

      As far as the illusion of sharpness I can't say that was the effect I was going for. I just added a coloured noise to the palette so that the it adds some fine sparkle and texture. It is a big improvement. If you look at the original palette that Phal included with his ENBPalette shader it also has a type of noise albeit a different kind. That is the kind I used in my Colour Mood palette. Different types of noise produce different effects.