About this mod
Removes material and Zenny requirements where possible. (+ an option to ignore unlock requirements.)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Things unaffected:
- Upgrading armor: Upgrade points and Zenny cost are unchanged. These are hard-coded and not in a file I can easily alter.
- Melding costs.
- Item costs. There's already a few out there and I don't feel like dealing with the file conflicts I'd inevitably get reports of in the comments.
- Probably more, I'm not doing a full check of everything.
This is basically a more inclusive version of my 1rp Augmentation and Layered Armor Research Cost mod.
What does this cover then?
There's two sections below. One list of what is covered, and one listing what each file covers.
The latter exists so you can pick and choose what you want covered!
Don't ask, I will not make variants or upload individual files! It's on you to extract and use what subset you want!
PS: Be aware that Zenny cost is somewhere between 1-3 for most things. Small enough to be considered 'removed' but still there. I'm not actually sure where the 2-3 comes from since I'm setting the cost to 1 in all the files.
What does "Ignore Requirements" mean?
This sets the required item/monster/story progress fields to 0 effectively removing them. The game still hard-codes a lot so this is no guarantee everything will show up, but this is the best that can be done from the data files.
It basically means you don't have to have fought/seen a monster or acquired one of its items to see its armor and such.
About compatibility with other mods:
Every single files here has a json file with it. That has nothing to do with the game but is designed for MHW-Editor. You can use these to import the changes made here onto other mods:
- Open the other mod's file in MHW-Editor.
- Import the json file WITH THE SAME NAME.
- Click save. (Saves in-place, there is no save-as.)
Do not ask me to make compatibility patches or whatnot! I won't! Learn to make your own.
Listed by what it covers:
- Armors (NOT Upgrading. Point/Zenny cost is unchanged.)
- Augments (HR/MR)
- Charms
- Kinsects (Forging/Upgrading/Elements)
- Palico Armors
- Palico Weapons
- Pendants
- Weapons (Forging/Upgrading/Buying/Layering)
Because the game still needs an actual cost, Zenny cost is 1 and materials costs are zero potions. Yes, it just needs a required material even if the quantity is zero. Without it you have "insufficient materials".
Listed by file:
Zenny Cost:
armor.am_dat Armors/Charms
customParts.cus_pa Augment Custom Parts (MR)
new_limit_break.new_lb Augment Costs (MR)
otomoArmor.oam_dat Palico Armors
otomoWeapon.owp_dat Palico Weapons
rod_insect.rod_inse Kinsects
*.wp_dat / *.wp_dat_g Weapons
armor.eq_crt Armors/Charms
charm.eq_crt Pendants
ot_equip.eq_crt Palico Armors/Weapons
weapon.eq_crtWeapon Buying/Forging
equip_custom.eq_cus Charms
insect.eq_cusKinsect Forging/Upgrading
insect_element.eq_cus Kinsect Elements
weapon.eq_cus Weapon Upgrading
Zenny Cost & Materials:
customOuterRecipe.cus_otr Weapon Layered Augments
customParts.cus_par Augment Custom Parts (MR)
limit_break_mat_base.lbm_base Augment Costs (HR)
limit_break_mat_skill.lbm_skill Augment Costs (HR)
new_limit_break.new_lbr Augment Costs (MR)
(Sorry, nexus formatting is absolutely cursed. Made the list with a monospaced font and it works perfectly in notepad++ but here it's just ass.)If you want to know which weapon file is which read this.
Made for v15.1X.XX on Steam.