About this mod
This replace some of the in game music with frontier music.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Once someone figure how to mods audio files again i will update or remake it.
Extract the archive (NativePC) into your mhw main directory.
Just remove the two files that are into "NativePC/sound/wwside/Windows"
Volume may be a bit too high, lower the volume slider in game (70~80 is fine for me)
loop is mostly bad , nothing i can do for that yet. Some music (for reason i don't know) doesn't start directly again when finished, noticed this issue only with Zohra music in town. Note that i have nearly no knowledge with this game moding. Update may take a while.
Kulve files reupload was a mistake , i named the files (on my side only..) wrongly.
Replaced bgm
Main menu - Frontier Z main theme
Astera Day - Mezeporta day
Astera Night - Mezeporta night
Astera (if argosy) - Some random frontier music
Gathering hub - Beserk raviente perparation theme
Victory music = Palone (i think)
Living quarters = Gook Farm
Coral 1 - G rank flower field
Coral 2- G rank polar sea
forest 1 = inagami battle theme
forest 2 = Painted falls field
desert 1 = G rank white lake
desert 2 = HR white lake
Vaal 1 = G rank swamp
Vaal 2 = High rank swamp
Elder 2 = G rank volcano
Xeno in town = Shantien phase 1
Xeno part 1 = Shantien phase 3
Xeno part 2 = Shantien phase 4
Arena music = high rank highland theme
Special arena music = G rank Forest and Hills
Research base = NameNotFound.txt
Zohra in town music = frontier GG main theme
B52 = Gureadomosu theme
Kushala = Rebidiora theme
Teostra = Emperor dragon phase 1
Lunastra = Emperor dragon phase 2
Vaak Hazak = Taikun Zamuza phase 2
Nerigante = Mi Ru battle theme
Kulve taroth = berserk Raviente phase 1 , 2 and 4
DevilJho = Historical site
Things to do / issues
Fixing issue or missplaced music
Replacing more theme
Replacing chase music
If possible, using specific music for monsters , for exemple diablos and black diablos will use a specific music. I have no idea if this is possible to do yet. But i would like to do it.
For unknown reason rotten vale music (odogaron for exemple) become way to quiet after a moment, i have no idea why.
desert music seem to randomly restart time to time after 20-30 sec. Again no idea why