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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

AsteriskAmpersand and Moonbunnie

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About this mod

This mod ensues that holding a button is detected as an input in the first legal frame. This makes inputs feel more responsive during play, specially noticeable with item consumption.
-Can hold pick-up key while running over items/drops
-Can hold use item key to sheathe+use item with only 1 key press.
-Can hold attack buttons to com

Permissions and credits
Requires stracker nativePC loader found here.


This mod ensues that holding a button is detected as an input in the first legal frame. This makes inputs feel more responsive during play, specially noticeable with item consumption.

Examples of big differences that you will notice during gameplay:
-Can hold pick-up key while running over items/drops
-Can hold use item key to sheathe+use item with only 1 key press.
-Can hold attack buttons to continue combo chains
-Can hold attack button to machine gun fire with bowguns.

This also allows for macro levels of fire rate in bowguns, making them go from Capcom "Automatic" to Full on banned in California Automatic, however this would be considered cheating in any well managed competitive environment like speedrunning.

Credits and Thanks:
  • Moonbunnie for the injection values and offsets

Support the Mod Maker:

Patreon support is highly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21034864
Direct donations as well: 