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About this mod

Adds additional NPCs to the Seliana Gathering Hub that aren't present yet. Right now: Lynian Expert and Chief Ecologist.

Permissions and credits
Monster Hunter: World - Extra NPCs in Seliana Hub (Iceborne) v1.0
Mod by MHVuze

Adds the Lynian Expert (Tailraider Safari) and the Chief Ecologist (Monster Research) to the Seliana Hub.
Please refrain from speaking to these NPCs in the hub to advance story quests or big event DLC (like Witcher). I have linked all scripts but just avoid it to be safe. If you mess up your save and have no backups as you should, that's completely on you.

Got sensible suggestions for additions? Go ahead. NPCs that were tested but don't work as of yet:
  • Elder Melder (spawns and gives quests if any, but actual menu doesn't open)
  • Steamworks (spawns but can't interact at all, maybe due to weird height coordinates of actual steamworks guy outside in Seliana)
  • Smithy Vendor (spawns and works but for some reason - that isn't the spawn setter of the other smithy - shows the cut scene and teleports out of the hub after forging)

Known issues:
  • You can force yourself out of bounds if you really try. Just don't talk to the NPCs from a deliberately silly angle and you'll be fine.
Tested and working with game build 399335. 
Use at your own risk! Play in offline mode if you fear a ban or whatever.

0. Install Stracker's Loader
1. Move the nativePC folder from the downloaded archive to your install dir (i.e. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World)
2. Profit

To get rid of the mod, just remove the nativePC folder. Or, if you have other mods installed, remove the files of this mod to keep the other mods intact.

If you downloaded this mod from anywhere but NexusMods, be wary of malicious modifications.


Thanks to Dave uRrr for his incredibly useful SOBJ template for 010 Editor, HelloWorld for his overlay that makes coordinate finding a breeze and Stracker for his nativePC loader!


Donations are appreciated: https://streamlabs.com/mhvuze
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mhvuze