Monster Hunter Rise

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About this video

At some point when making screenshots and writing my guides for Monster Hunter Rise, the idea crossed my mind that some showcase videos for mods would be cool. Surprisingly not many mod pages have any video to begin with, despite it seems simple enough. Since the Shapely Anjanath video which I posted before, the idea for this kind of video had been itching on my mind.

It is not perfect ~ simple, straightforward, no graphics enhancers. You can tell easily my gaming rig is not the best, looking at the framerate. But hey ~ it does not look bad for something which is made within four to five hours. For my standards at least, being a beginner with video editing...

Tools used:
NVIDIA GeForce Experience
PowerDirector 17
YouTube Downloader
Closer Minimum Distance Camera (mod)

- Video is starring Pahla, I have also made her carrying the Nargacuga Charge Blade to match the mods headers - so there is no confusion
- If you miss a mod which can be seen in the video but it is not listed below, that is because the mod authors have to authorise the tagging first
- Also, I am not using Fluffy ~

A few words on the topic "making of"
The Shapely Sonic Wear part had to have the sound of collecting the rings. I mean, what else is more "Sonic-ly" than the bling, bling, bling sound effects paired with Green Hill Zone, or in this case "Escape from the City" which is also played during the event quest? For the close up shots I used the Free Camera function of REFramework. If you think the cutting and editing was difficult to make: quite the contrary! While certainly having a tool like PowerDirector 17 is helpful, especially with the transitions and pre-made text modules, it would probably look equally good without the effects. Just by adding the cuts here and there together. Some parts I even botched up with the tool ~ you can clearly tell it is a beginners work. Most impressive impact is purely by the soundtrack which was great to begin with. Turning off the HUD, damage indicators and the BGM, and you are getting great raw material from the start. Special tip: playing HUD-less is quite easy when you know your weapon and wear at least one piece of Valstrax - the visuals and sounds tell you how much health you have left. On the Palamute the mod for closer camera distance was a great help. And with the passive monsters mod I was able to traverse undisturbed and set battles how I want them. I know the video is not perfect, but it was great fun to make it.

Update 29.04.2022
I was not that happy with the Shapely Tobi-Kadachi part ~ so I made an extra ~