- Refine results Found 50 results. 2856 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Adds Lagiacrus, The Lord of the Seas, to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Replaces Royal Ludroth (model swap)
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Adds Lagiacrus, The Lord of the Seas, to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Replaces Royal Ludroth (model swap)
Adds a top hat and bow to the toads
58 Masteries quests to have fun hunting a succesion of 3 monsters each one harder than the previous.
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58 Masteries quests to have fun hunting a succesion of 3 monsters each one harder than the previous.
Replace Wind Serpent Ibushi to Rayquaza
He's Winnie The Pooh
MhrSB DEMO Malzeno Quest 50mins 9deaths
Malzeno Quest has a 50-minute and 9-death limit in mhr demo.mhrsb demo中的爵银龙任务拥有50分钟9猫的限制。
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MhrSB DEMO Malzeno Quest 50mins 9deaths
Malzeno Quest has a 50-minute and 9-death limit in mhr demo.mhrsb demo中的爵银龙任务拥有50分钟9猫的限制。
Adds googly eyes to Gore Magala.
The Deviant Soulseer Mizutsune from MHGU restored in Monster Hunter Rise
Cowboy Great Wroggi
A Tigrex with a mustache.
The Deviant Bloodbath Diablos from MHGU restored in Monster Hunter Rise
Arrrzuros (Arzuros with a pirate hat)
Yarr harr fiddle dee dee
Makes Malzeno say "It's Morbin' time!" from the hit movie Morbius.
Christmas Volvidon from MH Explore
Fixes the flipped hair cards present on all Mizutsunes + adds a missing polygon
Retextures Silver Rathalos to the Deviant, Dreadking Rathalos.
Retextures Gold Rathian to Dreadqueen Rathian
Replaces Tigrex with a skeletal variant.
Basically just Bloodbath Diablos
"Bloodbath Diablos", with the spiral horn and all, not a copy-pasta pretending not to be a copy-pasta
- 103.8MB
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Basically just Bloodbath Diablos
"Bloodbath Diablos", with the spiral horn and all, not a copy-pasta pretending not to be a copy-pasta
Allows you to play the Hazard Amatsu Quest, "Hazard: Melody of Mayhem", that Capcom didn't give us for some reason.
- 4KB
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Allows you to play the Hazard Amatsu Quest, "Hazard: Melody of Mayhem", that Capcom didn't give us for some reason.